function fit = fit_rs_meta_d_MLE(nR_S1, nR_S2, s, fncdf, fninv) % fit = fit_rs_meta_d_MLE(nR_S1, nR_S2, s, fncdf, fninv) % % Given data from an experiment where an observer discriminates between two % stimulus alternatives on every trial and provides confidence ratings, % provides a RESPONSE-SPECIFIC type 2 SDT analysis of the data. i.e. % meta-d' is computed separately for each response type. % % N.B. it is still important to provide input including data from both % response types, even if you are only interested in the analysis for one % of the response types. % % % % INPUTS % % * nR_S1, nR_S2 % these are vectors containing the total number of responses in % each response category, conditional on presentation of S1 and S2. % % e.g. if nR_S1 = [100 50 20 10 5 1], then when stimulus S1 was % presented, the subject had the following response counts: % responded S1, rating=3 : 100 times % responded S1, rating=2 : 50 times % responded S1, rating=1 : 20 times % responded S2, rating=1 : 10 times % responded S2, rating=2 : 5 times % responded S2, rating=3 : 1 time % % * s % this is the ratio of standard deviations for type 1 distributions, i.e. % % s = sd(S1) / sd(S2) % % if not specified, s is set to a default value of 1. % the function SDT_MLE_fit available at % % can be used to get an MLE estimate of s using Matlab's optimization % toolbox % % * fncdf % a function handle for the CDF of the type 1 distribution. % if not specified, fncdf defaults to @normcdf (i.e. CDF for normal % distribution) % % * fninv % a function handle for the inverse CDF of the type 1 distribution. % if not specified, fninv defaults to @norminv % % OUTPUT % % Output is packaged in the struct "fit." % In the following, let S1 and S2 represent the distributions of evidence % generated by stimulus classes S1 and S2. % Then the fields of "fit" are as follows: % % fit.da = mean(S2) - mean(S1), in room-mean-square(sd(S1),sd(S2)) units % fit.t1ca = type 1 criterion for overall data, RMS units % fit.s = sd(S1) / sd(S2) % % fit.meta_da_rS1 = meta-d' for S1 responses, RMS units % fit.t1ca_rS1 = type 1 criteron for meta-d' fit for S1 responses, RMS units % fit.t2ca_rS1 = type 2 criteria for meta-d' fit for S1 responses, RMS units % fit.M_ratio_rS1 = meta_da_rS1 / da % fit.M_diff_rS1 = meta_da_rS1 - da % % fit.logL_rS1 = log likelihood of meta-d' fit for S1 responses % % fit.obs_HR2_rS1 = actual type 2 hit rates for S1 responses % fit.est_HR2_rS1 = estimated type 2 hit rates for S1 responses % fit.obs_FAR2_rS1 = actual type 2 false alarm rates for S1 responses % fit.est_FAR2_rS1 = estimated type 2 false alarm rates for S1 responses % % % fit.meta_da_rS2 = meta-d' for S2 responses, RMS units % fit.t1ca_rS2 = type 1 criteron for meta-d' fit for S2 responses, RMS units % fit.t2ca_rS2 = type 2 criteria for meta-d' fit for S2 responses, RMS units % fit.M_ratio_rS2 = meta_da_rS2 / da % fit.M_diff_rS2 = meta_da_rS2 - da % % fit.logL_rS2 = log likelihood of meta-d' fit for S2 responses % % fit.obs_HR2_rS2 = actual type 2 hit rates for S2 responses % fit.est_HR2_rS2 = estimated type 2 hit rates for S2 responses % fit.obs_FAR2_rS2 = actual type 2 false alarm rates for S2 responses % fit.est_FAR2_rS2 = estimated type 2 false alarm rates for S2 responses % % % fit.S1units = contains same parameters in sd(S1) units. % these may be of use since the data-fitting is conducted % using parameters specified in sd(S1) units. %% parse inputs if ~mod(length(nR_S1),2)==0, error('input arrays must have an even number of elements'); end if length(nR_S1)~=length(nR_S2), error('input arrays must have the same number of elements'); end if ~exist('s','var') || isempty(s) s = 1; end if ~exist('fncdf','var') || isempty(fncdf) fncdf = @normcdf; end if ~exist('fninv','var') || isempty(fninv) fninv = @norminv; end nRatings = length(nR_S1) / 2; nCriteria = 2*nRatings - 1; %% find actual type 2 FAR and HR (data to be fit) % I_nR and C_nR are rating trial counts for incorrect and correct trials % element i corresponds to # (in)correct w/ rating i I_nR_rS2 = nR_S1(nRatings+1:end); I_nR_rS1 = nR_S2(nRatings:-1:1); C_nR_rS2 = nR_S2(nRatings+1:end); C_nR_rS1 = nR_S1(nRatings:-1:1); for i = 2:nRatings t2FAR_rS2(i-1) = sum( I_nR_rS2(i:end) ) / sum(I_nR_rS2); t2HR_rS2(i-1) = sum( C_nR_rS2(i:end) ) / sum(C_nR_rS2); t2FAR_rS1(i-1) = sum( I_nR_rS1(i:end) ) / sum(I_nR_rS1); t2HR_rS1(i-1) = sum( C_nR_rS1(i:end) ) / sum(C_nR_rS1); end t2FAR_rS1 = t2FAR_rS1(end:-1:1); t2HR_rS1 = t2HR_rS1(end:-1:1); %% set up constraints % parameters % meta-d' - 1 % t2c - (nCriteria-1)/2 A = []; b = []; nCritPerResp = (nCriteria-1)/2; offset = 1; for crit = 1 : nCritPerResp - 1 % c(crit) <= c(crit+1) --> c(crit) - c(crit+1) <= .001 A(end+1,[offset+crit offset+crit+1]) = [1 -1]; b(end+1) = -.001; end LB_rS1 = []; LB_rS1 = [LB_rS1 -10]; % meta-d' rS1 LB_rS1 = [LB_rS1 -20*ones(1,nCritPerResp)]; % criteria lower than t1c UB_rS1 = []; UB_rS1 = [UB_rS1 10]; % meta-d' rS1 UB_rS1 = [UB_rS1 zeros(1,nCritPerResp)]; % criteria lower than t1c LB_rS2 = []; LB_rS2 = [LB_rS2 -10]; % meta-d' rS2 LB_rS2 = [LB_rS2 zeros(1,nCritPerResp)]; % criteria higher than t1c UB_rS2 = []; UB_rS2 = [UB_rS2 10]; % meta-d' rS2 UB_rS2 = [UB_rS2 20*ones(1,nCritPerResp)]; % criteria higher than t1c %% select constant criterion type constant_criterion_rS1 = 'meta_d1_rS1 * (t1c1 / d1)'; % relative criterion constant_criterion_rS2 = 'meta_d1_rS2 * (t1c1 / d1)'; % relative criterion %% set up guess ratingHR = []; ratingFAR = []; for c = 2:nRatings*2 ratingHR(end+1) = sum(nR_S2(c:end)) / sum(nR_S2); ratingFAR(end+1) = sum(nR_S1(c:end)) / sum(nR_S1); end t1_index = nRatings; t2_index = setdiff(1:2*nRatings-1, t1_index); d1 = (1/s) * fninv( ratingHR(t1_index) ) - fninv( ratingFAR(t1_index) ); meta_d1_rS1 = d1; meta_d1_rS2 = d1; c1 = (-1/(1+s)) * ( fninv( ratingHR ) + fninv( ratingFAR ) ); t1c1 = c1(t1_index); t2c1 = c1(t2_index); guess_rS1 = [meta_d1_rS1 t2c1(1:nCritPerResp) - eval(constant_criterion_rS1)]; guess_rS2 = [meta_d1_rS2 t2c1(nCritPerResp+1 : end) - eval(constant_criterion_rS1)]; save fitM_data.mat nR_S1 nR_S2 t2FAR_rS2 t2HR_rS2 t2FAR_rS1 t2HR_rS1 nRatings t1c1 s d1 fncdf constant_criterion_rS1 constant_criterion_rS2 %% fit for S1 responses %% find the best fit for type 2 hits and FAs op = optimset(@fmincon); op = optimset(op,'MaxFunEvals',100000); [x f]=fmincon(@fitM_rS1_logL,guess_rS1,A,b,[],[],LB_rS1,UB_rS1,[],op); meta_d1_rS1 = x(1); meta_c1_rS1 = eval(constant_criterion_rS1); t2c1_rS1 = x(2:end) + eval(constant_criterion_rS1); logL_rS1 = -f; %% find model-estimated t2FAR and t2HR for S1 responses % find the estimated type 2 FAR and HR S1mu = -meta_d1_rS1/2; S1sd = 1; S2mu = meta_d1_rS1/2; S2sd = S1sd/s; % adjust so that everything is centered on t1c1=0 h = 1-normcdf(0,S2mu,S2sd); f = 1-normcdf(0,S1mu,S1sd); shift_c1 = (-1/(1+s)) * (norminv(h)+norminv(f)); % this is the value of c1 midway b/t S1 and S2 S1mu = S1mu + shift_c1; % shift S1 and S2mu so that they lie on an axis for 0 --> c1=0 S2mu = S2mu + shift_c1; C_area_rS1 = fncdf(meta_c1_rS1,S1mu,S1sd); I_area_rS1 = fncdf(meta_c1_rS1,S2mu,S2sd); for i=1:length(t2c1_rS1) t2c1_lower = t2c1_rS1(i); I_FAR_area_rS1 = fncdf(t2c1_lower,S2mu,S2sd); C_HR_area_rS1 = fncdf(t2c1_lower,S1mu,S1sd); est_t2FAR_rS1(i) = I_FAR_area_rS1 / I_area_rS1; est_t2HR_rS1(i) = C_HR_area_rS1 / C_area_rS1; end %% fit for S2 responses %% find the best fit for type 2 hits and FAs op = optimset(@fmincon); op = optimset(op,'MaxFunEvals',100000); [x f]=fmincon(@fitM_rS2_logL,guess_rS2,A,b,[],[],LB_rS2,UB_rS2,[],op); meta_d1_rS2 = x(1); meta_c1_rS2 = eval(constant_criterion_rS2); t2c1_rS2 = x(2:end) + eval(constant_criterion_rS2); logL_rS2 = -f; %% find estimated t2FAR and t2HR % find the estimated type 2 FAR and HR S1mu = -meta_d1_rS2/2; S1sd = 1; S2mu = meta_d1_rS2/2; S2sd = S1sd/s; % adjust so that everything is centered on t1c1=0 h = 1-normcdf(0,S2mu,S2sd); f = 1-normcdf(0,S1mu,S1sd); shift_c1 = (-1/(1+s)) * (norminv(h)+norminv(f)); % this is the value of c1 midway b/t S1 and S2 S1mu = S1mu + shift_c1; % shift S1 and S2mu so that they lie on an axis for 0 --> c1=0 S2mu = S2mu + shift_c1; C_area_rS2 = 1-fncdf(meta_c1_rS2,S2mu,S2sd); I_area_rS2 = 1-fncdf(meta_c1_rS2,S1mu,S1sd); for i=1:length(t2c1_rS2) t2c1_upper = t2c1_rS2(i); I_FAR_area_rS2 = 1-fncdf(t2c1_upper,S1mu,S1sd); C_HR_area_rS2 = 1-fncdf(t2c1_upper,S2mu,S2sd); est_t2FAR_rS2(i) = I_FAR_area_rS2 / I_area_rS2; est_t2HR_rS2(i) = C_HR_area_rS2 / C_area_rS2; end %% package output % type 1 params fit.da = SDT_s_convert(d1, s,'d1','da'); fit.t1ca = SDT_s_convert(t1c1, s,'c1','ca'); fit.s = s; % type 2 fits for rS1 fit.meta_da_rS1 = SDT_s_convert(meta_d1_rS1, s,'d1','da'); fit.t1ca_rS1 = SDT_s_convert(meta_c1_rS1, s,'c1','ca'); fit.t2ca_rS1 = SDT_s_convert(t2c1_rS1, s,'c1','ca'); fit.M_ratio_rS1 = fit.meta_da_rS1 / fit.da; fit.M_diff_rS1 = fit.meta_da_rS1 - fit.da; fit.logL_rS1 = logL_rS1; fit.obs_HR2_rS1 = t2HR_rS1; fit.est_HR2_rS1 = est_t2HR_rS1; fit.obs_FAR2_rS1 = t2FAR_rS1; fit.est_FAR2_rS1 = est_t2FAR_rS1; % type 2 fits for rS2 fit.meta_da_rS2 = SDT_s_convert(meta_d1_rS2, s,'d1','da'); fit.t1ca_rS2 = SDT_s_convert(meta_c1_rS2, s,'c1','ca'); fit.t2ca_rS2 = SDT_s_convert(t2c1_rS2, s,'c1','ca'); fit.M_ratio_rS2 = fit.meta_da_rS2 / fit.da; fit.M_diff_rS2 = fit.meta_da_rS2 - fit.da; fit.logL_rS2 = logL_rS2; fit.obs_HR2_rS2 = t2HR_rS2; fit.est_HR2_rS2 = est_t2HR_rS2; fit.obs_FAR2_rS2 = t2FAR_rS2; fit.est_FAR2_rS2 = est_t2FAR_rS2; % S1 units fit.S1units.d1 = d1; fit.S1units.t1c1 = t1c1; fit.S1units.meta_d1_rS1 = meta_d1_rS1; fit.S1units.t1c1_rS1 = meta_c1_rS1; fit.S1units.t2c1_rS1 = t2c1_rS1; fit.S1units.meta_d1_rS2 = meta_d1_rS2; fit.S1units.t1c1_rS2 = meta_c1_rS2; fit.S1units.t2c1_rS2 = t2c1_rS2; delete fitM_data.mat end %% function to find the SSE for type 2 HR and FAR for S1 responses function logL = fitM_rS1_logL(input) % set up parameters meta_d1_rS1 = input(1); t2c1 = input(2:end); % load the behavioral data % t2FAR_rS2 t2HR_rS2 t2FAR_rS1 t2HR_rS1 nRatings t1c1 s d1 fncdf constant_criterion_rS1 constant_criterion_rS2 load fitM_data.mat % find the estimated type 2 FAR and HR S1mu = -meta_d1_rS1/2; S1sd = 1; S2mu = meta_d1_rS1/2; S2sd = S1sd/s; % adjust so that everything is centered on t1c1=0 h = 1-normcdf(0,S2mu,S2sd); f = 1-normcdf(0,S1mu,S1sd); shift_c1 = (-1/(1+s)) * (norminv(h)+norminv(f)); % this is the value of c1 midway b/t S1 and S2 S1mu = S1mu + shift_c1; % shift S1 and S2mu so that they lie on an axis for 0 --> c1=0 S2mu = S2mu + shift_c1; % adjust so that t1c1 = 0 S1mu = S1mu - eval(constant_criterion_rS1); S2mu = S2mu - eval(constant_criterion_rS1); t1c1 = 0; %%% set up MLE analysis % get type 2 response counts for ic = 1:nRatings % S1 responses nC_rS1(ic) = nR_S1(ic); nI_rS1(ic) = nR_S2(ic); end % get type 2 probabilities C_area_rS1 = fncdf(t1c1,S1mu,S1sd); I_area_rS1 = fncdf(t1c1,S2mu,S2sd); t2c1x = [-Inf t2c1 t1c1]; % for ic = 1:4 for ic = 1:nRatings prC_rS1(ic) = ( fncdf(t2c1x(ic+1),S1mu,S1sd) - fncdf(t2c1x(ic),S1mu,S1sd) ) / C_area_rS1; prI_rS1(ic) = ( fncdf(t2c1x(ic+1),S2mu,S2sd) - fncdf(t2c1x(ic),S2mu,S2sd) ) / I_area_rS1; end logL = 0; for ic = 1:nRatings logL = logL + nC_rS1(ic)*log(prC_rS1(ic)) + nI_rS1(ic)*log(prI_rS1(ic)); end if isnan(logL), logL=-Inf; end logL = -logL; end %% function to find the SSE for type 2 HR and FAR for S2 responses function logL = fitM_rS2_logL(input) % set up parameters meta_d1_rS2 = input(1); t2c1 = input(2:end); % load the behavioral data load fitM_data.mat % find the estimated type 2 FAR and HR S1mu = -meta_d1_rS2/2; S1sd = 1; S2mu = meta_d1_rS2/2; S2sd = S1sd/s; % adjust so that everything is centered on t1c1=0 h = 1-normcdf(0,S2mu,S2sd); f = 1-normcdf(0,S1mu,S1sd); shift_c1 = (-1/(1+s)) * (norminv(h)+norminv(f)); % this is the value of c1 midway b/t S1 and S2 S1mu = S1mu + shift_c1; % shift S1 and S2mu so that they lie on an axis for 0 --> c1=0 S2mu = S2mu + shift_c1; % adjust so that t1c1 = 0 S1mu = S1mu - eval(constant_criterion_rS2); S2mu = S2mu - eval(constant_criterion_rS2); t1c1 = 0; %%% set up MLE analysis % get type 2 response counts for ic = 1:nRatings % S2 responses nC_rS2(ic) = nR_S2(ic+nRatings); nI_rS2(ic) = nR_S1(ic+nRatings); end % get type 2 probabilities C_area_rS2 = 1-fncdf(t1c1,S2mu,S2sd); I_area_rS2 = 1-fncdf(t1c1,S1mu,S1sd); t2c1x = [t1c1 t2c1 Inf]; for ic = 1:nRatings prC_rS2(ic) = ( (1-fncdf(t2c1x(ic),S2mu,S2sd)) - (1-fncdf(t2c1x(ic+1),S2mu,S2sd)) ) / C_area_rS2; prI_rS2(ic) = ( (1-fncdf(t2c1x(ic),S1mu,S1sd)) - (1-fncdf(t2c1x(ic+1),S1mu,S1sd)) ) / I_area_rS2; end logL = 0; for ic = 1:nRatings logL = logL + nC_rS2(ic)*log(prC_rS2(ic)) + nI_rS2(ic)*log(prI_rS2(ic)); end if isnan(logL), logL=-Inf; end logL = -logL; end function out = SDT_s_convert(in1,s,cont1,cont2) % out = SDT_s_convert(in1,s,cont1,cont2) % % in1 - input var to be converted % s - sd(S1)/sd(S2) % cont1 - identity of in1 % cont2 - identity of out % % cont1 and cont2 can be these tokens % 'da','d1','d2','ca','c1',c2' switch cont1 % convert d' % s = d2 / d1 % da = sqrt(2./(1+s.^2)) .* d2 case 'da' da = in1; d2 = da ./ sqrt(2./(1+s.^2)); d1 = d2 ./ s; case 'd1' d1 = in1; d2 = d1 .* s; da = sqrt(2./(1+s.^2)) .* d2; case 'd2' d2 = in1; d1 = d2 ./ s; da = sqrt(2./(1+s.^2)) .* d2; % convert c % s = c2 / c1 % ca = ( sqrt(2).*s ./ sqrt(1+s.^2) ) .* c1; case 'ca' ca = in1; c1 = ( sqrt(1+s.^2) ./ sqrt(2).*s ) .* ca; c2 = c1 .* s; case 'c1' c1 = in1; c2 = c1 .* s; ca = ( sqrt(2).*s ./ sqrt(1+s.^2) ) .* c1; case 'c2' c2 = in1; c1 = c2 ./ s; ca = ( sqrt(2).*s ./ sqrt(1+s.^2) ) .* c1; end eval(['out = ' cont2 ';']); end