function out = type2_SDT_SSE(nR_S1, nR_S2) % out = type2_SDT(nR_S1, nR_S2) % % Given data from an experiment where an observer discriminates between two % stimulus alternatives on every trial and provides confidence ratings, % provides a type 2 SDT analysis of the data. % % The function does a standard type 1 SDT analysis on the raw behavioral % data and then does a type 2 SDT analysis using the function fit_meta_d % with d_min = -5, d_grain = .01, d_max = 5 % % INPUTS % % nR_S1, nR_S2 % % nR_S1 and nR_S2 are vectors containing the total number of responses in % each response category, conditional on presentation of S1 and S2. % size of each array is 2*nRatings, where each element corresponds to a % count of responses in each response category. Response categories are % ordered as follows: % highest conf "S1" ... lowest conf "S1", lowest conf "S2", ... highest conf "S2" % % e.g. if nR_S1 = [100 50 20 10 5 1], then when stimulus S1 was % presented, the subject had the following response counts: % responded S1, rating=3 : 100 times % responded S1, rating=2 : 50 times % responded S1, rating=1 : 20 times % responded S2, rating=1 : 10 times % responded S2, rating=2 : 5 times % responded S2, rating=3 : 1 time % % The ordering of response / rating counts for S2 should be the same as it % is for S1. e.g. if nR_S2 = [3 7 8 12 27 89], then when stimulus S2 was % presented, the subject had the following response counts: % responded S1, rating=3 : 3 times % responded S1, rating=2 : 7 times % responded S1, rating=1 : 8 times % responded S2, rating=1 : 12 times % responded S2, rating=2 : 27 times % responded S2, rating=3 : 89 times % % % OUTPUTS % % out.d_a : d_a for input data. If s=1, d_a = d' % out.meta_d_a : meta_d_a for input data % out.M_ratio : meta_d_a / d_a; measure of metacognitive efficiency % out.M_diff : meta_d_a - d_a; measure of metacognitive efficiency % out.s : ratio of evidence distribution standard deviations assumed for the analysis. % out.type2_fit : output of fit_meta_d_SSE for the type 2 SDT fit. % 10/14/14 - removed support for unequal variance SDT model % - removed support for input data format describing % trial-by-trial outcomes (function "trials2counts" is now % provided on to % convert trial data to response count data) % 9/7/10 - bm - wrote it %% parse inputs % check for valid inputs if ~( length(nR_S1) == length(nR_S2) && mod(length(nR_S2),2) == 0 ) error('nR_S1 and nR_S2 must be the same length and have an even number of elements') end nRatings = length(nR_S1) / 2; %% standard SDT analysis HR1 = sum(nR_S2(nRatings+1:end)) / sum(nR_S2); FAR1 = sum(nR_S1(nRatings+1:end)) / sum(nR_S1); for i=2:2*nRatings ratingHRs(i-1) = sum(nR_S2(i:end)) / sum(nR_S2); ratingFARs(i-1) = sum(nR_S1(i:end)) / sum(nR_S1); end % if equalVariance % s = 1; % else % p = polyfit(norminv(ratingFARs), norminv(ratingHRs), 1); % s = p(1); % end s = 1; % d' and c in terms of S1 distribution standard deviation units d_1 = (1/s)*norminv(HR1) - norminv(FAR1); c_1 = (-1/(1+s)) * (norminv(HR1)+norminv(FAR1)); cprime = c_1 / d_1; %% type 2 SDT analysis % get type 2 HR and FAR for S1 responses for i = 1 : nRatings-1 HR2_rS1(i) = sum(nR_S1(1:i)) / sum(nR_S1(1:nRatings)); FAR2_rS1(i) = sum(nR_S2(1:i)) / sum(nR_S2(1:nRatings)); end % get type 2 HR and FAR for S2 responses for i = nRatings+2 : 2*nRatings HR2_rS2(i - (nRatings+2) + 1) = sum(nR_S2(i:end)) / sum(nR_S2(nRatings+1:end)); FAR2_rS2(i - (nRatings+2) + 1) = sum(nR_S1(i:end)) / sum(nR_S1(nRatings+1:end)); end d_min = -5; d_grain = .01; d_max = 5; fit = fit_meta_d_SSE(HR2_rS1, FAR2_rS1, HR2_rS2, FAR2_rS2, cprime, s, d_min, d_max, d_grain); %% package output out.da = d_1 * s * sqrt(2/(1+s^2)); out.meta_da = fit.meta_d1 * s * sqrt(2/(1+s^2)); out.M_ratio = out.meta_da / out.da; out.M_diff = out.meta_da - out.da; out.s = s; out.type2_fit = fit;