I assume you have read the tools section of Prof. Kinget's page. Here is a tutorial by one of the previous TAs (Colin) to get you started with the simulator. It uses a different technology but will help you with the basics. Information on Prof. Kinget's page on technology can also be of help. It is available here. This homework is intended to get you comfortable with the simulator and will involve using the different features of the simulator to get things done the easiest way.

Technology and model files

We will be using the tsmc model files for 180nm technology for academic purposes for this course's simulations. The transistor devices to be used are nmos4 and pmos4 respectively. Use the tt section of the model file for all simulations. tt represents the typical corner for nMOS and typical corner for pMOS (sf will represent slow nMOS fast pMOS).$V_{DD}$ represents 1.8 V for these problems unless otherwise specified.

Problem 1

For this problem choose a $\frac{0.5\mu}{0.18\mu}$ device for this problem. Plot one each of the below plots for the nMOS and pMOS devices.

  1. $\log I_{DS}$ vs $V_{GS}$ for a $V_{DS}=0.9 V$

  2. $I_{DS}$ vs $V_{GS}$ for a $V_{DS}=0.9 V$

  3. $\log I_{DS}$ vs $V_{DS}$, sweeping $V_{GS}$ from 0 to $V_{DD}$ in steps of 0.2 V

  4. $I_{DS}$ vs $V_{DS}$, sweeping $V_{GS}$ in steps of 0.2 V till $V_{DD}$.

Problem 2

Plot the threshold voltage, $V_{th}$ for each of the following cases. Do this only for the nMOS transistors for ease.

  1. Choose a device length of 180 nm. Sweep the width from 240 nm to $10 \mu m$ in 10 logarithmic steps. Now sweep the device length from 180 nm to $5 \mu m$ in 5 logarithmic steps. The result should be 5 plots superposed (each representing a length) with the X-axis being the width. Hint: Use a two level parametric simulation in analog artist.

  2. Do the same as the previous bit, except that the X-axis should now be the length and there should be 10 curves on the plot window.

Problem 3

Estimate the following parameters for a $\frac{0.24\mu m}{0.18\mu m}$ device. Do this only for the nmos transistor for ease.

  1. $\alpha$ which models the inversion layer's variation across the channel. $I_{DS} \propto (V_{GS}-V_{th})V_{DS}-\alpha \frac{V_{DS}^2}{2}$ in triode region

  2. The sub-threshold slope n in $I_{DS} \propto e^{V_{GS}/n\phi_t}$

  3. $\gamma$, the body effect coefficient

  4. The Early voltage $V_{A}$

  5. Specific current for tsmc technology. This is the current where the two asymptotes in a log-log plot of $\frac{g_m}{I_{ds}}$ vs $I_{DS}$ meet scaled by the size of the device.


  1. Please submit your homeworks only electronically as a single pdf file

  2. Annotate all curves properly with labels, legends, units etc., and give units for all numbers reported. Failing to do so will entail loss of credit.

  3. If you happen to get a counter-intuitive plot or number or something seems wrong, make a note of it and report it. This will help me give you credit in such a case.

Have fun with the simulator! Tweak around as much as you want. It comes in quite handy when you happen to need it in the future.

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