phrodo.exe ========== beta-test version 4/18/2002 This executable will give you the basic functionality of a phonebook server, working under the fobbit software. To configure, you must add/modify the section of your vb.ini file entitled "# address for phonebook server"; add the hostname or IP address of the machine upon which you are running phrodo, and comment-out other entries (using "#"). ==== Known bug: when initially starting the program, it looks for the file called "phonebook." If it does not find it, the program will not work. So you need to create a file called "phonebook" (no extension, readable in wordpad/notepad) in the same directory as phrodo.exe executable. The program will also create a log file in the same directory. ==== email: *** As with the fobbit software, use this at your own risk ***