gambiaMissing<-read.csv("/Users/charlie/Dropbox/Bayes/bayesWeb/bayesWebPt5/gambiaMissing.csv",header=T, stringsAsFactors=F) table(gambiaMissing$BEDNET) sum($BEDNET))/nrow(gambiaMissing)*100 names(gambiaMissing) cat("model { for(i in 1:805) { Y[i] ~ dbern(p[i]) logit(p[i]) <- alpha + beta.age*(AGE[i] - mean(AGE[])) + beta.bednet*BEDNET[i] +*(GREEN[i] - mean(GREEN[])) + beta.phc*PHC[i] } # model for missing exposure variable for(i in 1:805) { BEDNET[i] ~ dbern(q[i]) logit(q[i]) <- gamma[1] + gamma[2]**PHC[i] } for(k in 1:4) { gamma[k] ~ dnorm(0,0.00000001) } # vague priors on regression coefficients alpha ~ dnorm(0,0.00000001) beta.age ~ dnorm(0,0.00000001) beta.bednet ~ dnorm(0,0.00000001) ~ dnorm(0,0.00000001) beta.phc ~ dnorm(0,0.00000001) # calculate odds ratios of interest OR.age <- exp(beta.age) # odds ratio of malaria per year OR.bednet <- exp(beta.bednet) # odds ratio of malaria for children using bednets vs children # not using bednets <- exp( # odds ratio of malaria per unit increase in greenness index of village OR.phc <- exp(beta.phc) # odds ratio of malaria for children living in villages belonging to the # primary health care system versus children living in villages not in # the health care system logit(baseline.prev) <- alpha # baseline.prev = prevalence of malaria in baseline group (i.e. child # in age group 1 (<2yrs), sleeps without bednet, and lives in a # village with average greenness index and not in the health care system) PP.bednet <- step(0.8 - OR.bednet) # probability that using a bed net reduces risk of malaria by at least 20% }", file="malaria1.txt") dat<-list(Y=gambiaMissing$Y, AGE=gambiaMissing$AGE, BEDNET=gambiaMissing$BEDNET, GREEN=gambiaMissing$GREEN, PHC=gambiaMissing$PHC ) inits<-list( list(alpha = -0.51, beta.age = 1, beta.bednet = -2.41, = -0.23, beta.phc = 1.82, gamma = c(0,1,-1,-1)), list(alpha = 1.01, beta.age = -1, beta.bednet = 0.21, = 1.81, beta.phc = -0.23, gamma = c(1,-1,1,1)) ) params<-c("alpha", "beta.age", "beta.bednet", "", "beta.phc", "OR.bednet", "PP.bednet") library(R2jags) malaria.sim1<-jags(data = dat, = params, model.file = "malaria1.txt", n.chains = 2, n.iter = 2000, n.burnin = 500, n.thin = 1) print(malaria.sim1) # notice slightly increased risk of malaria with bednet use... ################################################################# # More complex modeling of probability of missing covariate data# ################################################################# cat("model { for(i in 1:805) { Y[i] ~ dbern(p[i]) logit(p[i]) <- alpha + beta.age*(AGE[i] - mean(AGE[])) + beta.bednet*BEDNET[i] +*(GREEN[i] - mean(GREEN[])) + beta.phc*PHC[i] } # model for missing covariate for(i in 1:805) { BEDNET[i] ~ dbern(q[i]) # prior model for whether or not child i sleeps under a bednet logit(q[i]) <- gamma[1] + gamma[2]*(AGE[i] - mean(AGE[])) + gamma[3]*(GREEN[i] - mean(GREEN[])) + gamma[4]*PHC[i] } for(k in 1:4) { gamma[k] ~ dnorm(0,0.00000001) } # vague priors on regression coefficients alpha ~ dnorm(0,0.00000001) beta.age ~ dnorm(0,0.00000001) beta.bednet ~ dnorm(0,0.00000001) ~ dnorm(0,0.00000001) beta.phc ~ dnorm(0,0.00000001) # calculate odds ratios of interest OR.age <- exp(beta.age) # odds ratio of malariaper year OR.bednet <- exp(beta.bednet) # odds ratio of malaria for children using bednets vs children # not using bednets <- exp( # odds ratio of malaria per unit increase in greenness index of village OR.phc <- exp(beta.phc) # odds ratio of malaria for children living in villages belonging to the # primary health care system versus children living in villages not in # the health care system logit(baseline.prev) <- alpha # baseline.prev = prevalence of malaria in baseline group (i.e. child # in age group 1 (<2yrs), sleeps without bednet, and lives in a # village with average greenness index and not in the health care system) PP.bednet <- step(0.8 - OR.bednet) # probability that using a bed net reduces risk of malaria by at least 20% }", file="malaria1.txt") ################################################################# # simple univariable complete case analysis # ################################################################# cat("model { for(i in 1:488) { Y[i] ~ dbern(p[i]) logit(p[i]) <- alpha + beta.bednet*BEDNET[i] } # vague priors on regression coefficients alpha ~ dnorm(0,0.00000001) beta.bednet ~ dnorm(0,0.00000001) # calculate odds ratios of interest OR.bednet <- exp(beta.bednet) # odds ratio of malaria for children using bednets vs children # not using bednets PP.bednet <- step(0.8 - OR.bednet) # probability that using a bed net reduces risk of malaria by at least 20% }", file="malaria0.txt") gambiaComplete<-gambiaMissing[!$BEDNET),] dat<-list(Y=gambiaComplete$Y, BEDNET=gambiaComplete$BEDNET) inits<-list( list(alpha = -0.51, beta.bednet = -2.41), list(alpha = 1.01, beta.bednet = 0.21) ) params<-c("alpha", "beta.bednet","OR.bednet", "PP.bednet") library(R2jags) malaria.sim0<-jags(data = dat, = params, model.file = "malaria0.txt", n.chains = 2, n.iter = 2000, n.burnin = 500, n.thin = 1) print(malaria.sim0) nrow(gambiaComplete)