Midlatitude Circulation Dynamics

This work is inspired by the Lorenz-1984 model, and looks into hemispheric surface temperature gradients as diagnostic indicators of mid-latitude atmospheric circulation dynamics. The relationship between hemispheric temperature gradients, ENSO, and the location and strength of the Northern Hemisphere jet stream and storms is investigated in reanalysis and GCMs.


-- C.KaramperidouF. Cioffi, and U. Lall. ”Surface Temperature Gradients as Diagnostic Indicators of Midlatitude Circulation Dynamics”J. Climate, doi: 10.1175/JCLI- D-11-00067.1. 


-- A Reduced-Variable View of GCM Projections of Midlatitude Storms , AMS 92nd Annual Meeting, N. Orleans, 22-26 Jan 2012.

-- C.Karamperidou, U.Lall, F.Cioffi. Northern Hemisphere Meridional and Zonal Temperature Gradients and their Relation to Hydrologic Extremes at Mid-latitudes: Trends, Variability and Link to Climate Modes in Observations and Simulations.AGU Fall Meeting 2010.

 -- C.Karamperidou, F. Cioffi & U. Lall. Surface Temperature Gradients and their Relation to Mid-latitude Circulation Dynamics and Inter-annual Precipitation Variability: Trends and Links to ENSO in Observations and Low-order Models, EGU General Assembly 2011.

-- "Insights from a Low Order Model of Increasing Complexity: Probability and Temporal Structure of Climate Extremes" AGU Fall Meeting 2009.    

-- "Projections of Climate Extremes under Potential Climate Change as Represented by Changing Equator-to-Pole Temperature Gradient and Ocean-Land Temperature Contrast"AGU Fall Meeting 2009.



© Christina Karamperidou 2012