CPM Scheduling

Widgetco is about to introduce a new product (product 3). One unit of product 3 is produced by assembling 1 unit of product 1 and 1 unit of product 2. Before production begins on either product 1 or product 2, raw materials must be purchased and workers must be trained. Before products 1 and 2 can be assembled into product 3, the finished product 2 must be inspected. A list of activities and their predecessors and of the duration of each activity is given below.
Activity Predecessors Duration (days)
A = train workers 6
B = purchase raw materials 9
C = produce product 1 A,B 8
D = produce product 2 A,B 7
E = test product 2 D 10
F = assemble produces 1 and 2 C,E 12