Shortest path example

Joe Cougar lives in New York City and plans to drive to Los Angeles to seek fame and fortune. Joe's funds are limited, so he has decided to spend each night of his trip at a friend's house. He has friends in Columbus, Nashville, Lousville, Kansas City, Omaha, Dallas, San Antonio and Denver. Joe knows that after one day's drive, he can reach Columbus, Nashville or Louisville. After two days of driving, he can reach Kansas City, Omaha or Dallas. After three days, he can reach San Antonio or Denver. Finally, after four days of driving, he can reach Los Angeles. What path should he take to minimize the total miles travelled. The mileage is given below.
Col. Nash Lou KC Om Da De SA LA
NY 550 900 770
Col 680 580 1050
Nash 580 760 660
Lou 510700 830
KC 610790
Om 540940
DA 790 270
De 1030
SA 1390