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EI research proposal
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Household behavior and energy demand:
Evidence from Peru
Mark Rosenzweig (chair); Robert Jensen; Robert Stavins
About three billion people meet their
household energy needs with wood and other solid fuels. In recent years
epidemiologists have come to view indoor air pollution from poorly
ventilated cooking as a major cause of
illness and death, particularly among women and children. To date,
social scientists have paid scant attention to the behavioral
antecedents of indoor air pollution. In short, we do not understand why
people use household energy technologies that kill them. This
dissertation uses household survey data from Peru to explore three
questions related to this puzzle.
First, I use a reduced form demand framework to study factors affecting
fuel choice. This analysis leads to three salient conclusions. I find
that the cross-section data approach that has dominated empirical
analysis of household fuel choice systematically overstates the role of
income in determining fuel choice, probably due to omitted variable
problems. A second finding of the demand analysis is that fuel choice
is highly responsive to fuel price; in particular, I find that
increases in fuel price are sufficient to explain the drop in fossil
fuel use in Peru during the 1998-2002 period of the survey panel.
Finally I present tentative evidence suggesting that endogeneity in
fuel prices and–to a lesser extent–household income may also be a
problem in much of the existing demand literature, and I develop
methods for consistent estimation in the face of such endogeneity.
The second part of the dissertation looks for evidence of social
learning in fuel choice patterns. I begin by showing observables such
as income and infrastructure cannot explain the spatial distribution of
fuel use, which suggests that other forces may be at play. I develop a
simple learning model embedded in the random utility maximization (RUM)
framework. Parameter estimates are more consistent with a learning
model than with a non-learning peer effects model.
The final set of questions pertains to the health impacts of indoor air
pollution. I show that the regression approach generally used in the
epidemiological literature gives biased estimates of the health
consequences of indoor air pollution. Empirical results based on a
health production function approach suggest that this bias is downward
(towards zero) in direction and substantial in magnitude.
Other work
Jack, Darby. 1998. Of markets and
forests: certification and sustainable forestry in Bolivia.
Mimeo, The Watson Foundation.
(published in Spanish as La
Certificación y el Manejo Forestal Sostenible en Bolivia )
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