-- Disk image chooser application for Basilisk II or SheepShaver

-- by Edward Mendelson, based partly on code by many, many other people

-- version 1.3 -- 30 August 2009

global appName

set appName to "Basilisk II"

-- AppName must be either "Basilisk II" or "SheepShaver"

global actionCount, additionalListText

global cancelName, cdBootNumber, cdFileFlag, cdStateVerb, cdWriteFlag, currentCount, currentDisks

global dupeRemoved

global fileDisks, firstDisk, firstFolder, firstPath, firstUnix

global listDisks, listOpts

global msgTitle

global optionText

global prefsUnixFile

global bulletList

global undupList

global listError

global badDiskPath

set listError to 0

global cancelOut

set cancelOut to 0

global addOpt, bcdOpt, createOpt, remOpt, setOpt

set addOpt to "Add an existing disk image to" & space & appName & space & "system"

set bcdOpt to "Boot" & space & appName & space & "from CD-ROM if present (enable/disable)"

set createOpt to "Create a new blank disk image for" & space & appName & space & "system"

set remOpt to "Remove a disk image from" & space & appName & space & "system"

set setOpt to "Set a different startup disk image for" & space & appName & space & "system"

set actionCount to 0

set dupeRemoved to 0

set bulletList to ""

set {msgTitle, prefsUnixFile} to appCheck(appName)





-- error number -128

--  Subroutines below --

on readPrefs() -- use grep to get data from prefs file


do shell script "cp ~/." & prefsUnixFile & space & "~/.PrefsFileBackup"

on error

set dialogText to "Error reading preferences file. Quitting."

errorQuit(dialogText, msgTitle)

end try


set currentDisks to do shell script "grep '^disk ' ~/." & prefsUnixFile & " | sed 's/^disk //'"

on error

set dialogText to "Error reading preferences file. Quitting."

errorQuit(dialogText, msgTitle)

end try

set cdFileFlag to "off"

set cdWriteFlag to "off"


set cdBootNumber to do shell script "grep '^bootdriver ' ~/." & prefsUnixFile & " | sed 's/^bootdriver //'"

if cdBootNumber is equal to "-62" then --  minus-62 is CD-ROM driver, 0 is default

set cdFileFlag to "on"

set cdWriteFlag to "on"

end if

end try

set testDisks to every paragraph of currentDisks

repeat with theItem in testDisks


set theAlias to POSIX file (theItem) as alias

on error

set badDiskPath to contents of theItem

set contents of theItem to theItem & space & "(file or path not found!)"

end try

end repeat

set oTD to AppleScript's text item delimiters

set text item delimiters to return

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oTD

set fileDisks to testDisks -- this is permanent record of prefs file

copy fileDisks to listDisks -- this changes each time

end readPrefs

on getDetails()

if the number of items in listDisks is equal to 0 then

set firstDisk to "none"

set firstUnix to POSIX path of (path to home folder)

set firstPath to firstUnix as string

end if

if the number of items in listDisks is greater than 0 then

tell application "Finder" to set firstFolder to (path to home folder) as alias

set firstDisk to (item 1 of listDisks) as string

set firstUnix to POSIX file firstDisk

if listError = 1 then



set firstPath to alias firstUnix as string

on error

if "/" is in badDiskPath then

set warningText to "It may have been moved, renamed or deleted."


set warningText to "The full path is not listed, perhaps because the file is in the same folder with the" & space & appName & space & "application."

end if

set dialogText to "Unable to find the startup disk image:" & return & return & badDiskPath & return & return & warningText & return & return & "Please use the menus in this script to remove any invalid paths."

set buttonList to {"Quit", "Continue"}

set defBtn to 2

set userChoice to userMsg(dialogText, buttonList, defBtn)

if userChoice = false then

error number -128

end if

if userChoice = "Quit" then

error number -128

end if

if userChoice = "Continue" then

set firstDisk to "unknown"

set firstUnix to POSIX path of (path to home folder)

set firstPath to (path to home folder) as string

tell application "Finder" to set firstFolder to (path to home folder) as alias

set listError to 1

end if

end try

end if

if listError = 0 then

tell application "Finder" to set firstFolder to (container of file firstPath) as alias

end if

end if

set stringDelim to (return & "•" & space) -- generate bulleted list of disks to use in dialogs

listToString(listDisks, stringDelim)

set bulletList to "•" & space & bulletList & return

set additionalListText to bulletList

end getDetails

on specifyActions()

my getDetails()

if fileDisks = listDisks then -- keep track of changes

set actionCount to 0

end if

if cdFileFlag is not equal to cdWriteFlag then

set actionCount to actionCount + 1

end if

set currentCount to number of items in listDisks

set optionText to ""

if currentCount = 0 then

set dialogText to "You have no disks installed in your" & space & appName & space & "setup. You should now add or create a new disk; you may add further disks in a later step."

set listOpts to {addOpt, bcdOpt, createOpt}

end if

if currentCount is greater than 0 then

if currentCount = 1 then

set diskNumText to "disk named below (if bootable):"

set listOpts to {addOpt, bcdOpt, createOpt, remOpt}


set diskNumText to "first bootable disk in this list:"

set listOpts to {addOpt, bcdOpt, createOpt, remOpt, setOpt}

end if

set optionText to return & "Select an action from the choices below:"

set dialogText to "The current" & space & appName & space & "startup disk is the" & space & diskNumText & return & return & additionalListText & optionText -- "•" & space & firstDisk & return & --removed before addlListText!

end if

if actionCount is greater than 0 then

set cancelName to "Write or abandon changes"


set cancelName to "Exit"

end if

my optionList(listOpts, dialogText, cancelName)

end specifyActions

on optionList(listOpts, dialogText, cancelName)

tell me to activate

if listError = 1 then

set firstOpt to remOpt


set firstOpt to addOpt

end if


set userOptItem to choose from list listOpts with prompt dialogText OK button name "Select" cancel button name cancelName default items firstOpt with title msgTitle

end try

if userOptItem is false then

if actionCount is greater than 0 then

my writePrefs()


error number -128

end if

end if

set userOpt to word 1 of (userOptItem as string)

if userOpt = "Add" then

my addDisk()

end if

if userOpt = "Boot" then

my bootCD()

end if

if userOpt = "Create" then

my createDisk()

end if

if userOpt = "Remove" then

my removeDisk()

end if

if userOpt = "Set" then

my setStart()

end if

end optionList

on addDisk()

set dupeRemoved to 0

set chooseDisk to my getDisk(firstDisk, firstUnix, bulletList)

set newAddDisk to chooseDisk as string

set end of listDisks to newAddDisk

set newList to listDisks

--display dialog "New list is: " & newList as string

set undupList to my removeDuplicates(newList, newAddDisk)

set newList to undupList

if dupeRemoved = 1 then

set listDisks to newList

my specifyActions()

end if

set actionCount to actionCount + 1

if number of items in newList is greater than 1 then

set introText to "You have added the disk" & return & return & "•" & space & newAddDisk & return & return

set startList to newList


set movedList to my moveToFirst(startList, introText)

on error number errorNum

-- display dialog "Error number: " & errorNum

if errorNum = -128 then -- set cancelOut to 1

-- if cancelOut = 1 then

error number -128

end if

display dialog "An unknown error occurred. Please try again. It may work the next time."

my specifyActions()

end try

set currentCount to number of items in movedList

set listDisks to movedList


set listDisks to newList

end if

-- my getDetails()

set actionCount to actionCount + 1

my specifyActions()

end addDisk

on bootCD()

set addBcdText to ""

if cdFileFlag = cdWriteFlag then

if cdFileFlag = "off" then

set cdVerb to "Enable"

set addCdText to "OFF (disabled)."

set buttonList to {"Enable this option", "Keep setting in preference file"}


set cdVerb to "Disable"

set addCdText to "ON (enabled)."

set buttonList to {"Disable this option", "Keep setting in preference file"}

end if

end if

tell me to activate

if cdFileFlag is not equal to cdWriteFlag then

if (cdWriteFlag = "on" and cdFileFlag = "off") then

set addBcdText to return & return & "You have already chosen to enable this option when I write a new preference file to disk. Do you want to change your mind, and leave this option disabled, as in the existing preference file?"

set cdVerb to "Disable"

set addCdText to "OFF (disabled)."

set buttonList to {"Continue to enable this option", "Keep setting in preference file"}

end if

if (cdWriteFlag = "off" and cdFileFlag = "on") then

set addBcdText to return & return & "You have already chosen to disable this option when I write a new preference file to disk. Do you want to change your mind and leave this option enabled, as in the existing preference file?"

set cdVerb to "Enable"

set addCdText to "ON (enabled)."

set buttonList to {"Continue to disable this option", "Keep setting in preference file"}

end if

end if

set dialogText to cdVerb & space & "the option to boot from a CD-ROM (if present)?  In the preference file on disk, this option is currently turned" & space & addCdText & return & return & "With this option turned on," & space & appName & space & "will boot from a CD-ROM if a CD-ROM is present, and from the first bootable disk image file if no CD-ROM is present." & addBcdText

set defBtn to 2


set userChoice to my userMsg(dialogText, buttonList, defBtn)

on error

my specifyActions()

end try

if cdFileFlag = "on" then

set cdStateVerb to "on (enabled)."

end if

if cdFileFlag = "off" then

set cdStateVerb to "off (disabled)."

end if

tell me to activate

if cdWriteFlag = cdFileFlag then

if userChoice = "Enable this option" then

display dialog "The option to boot from the CD-ROM will be turned on (enabled) when changes to the preferences file are written to disk." buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with title msgTitle

set cdWriteFlag to "on"

set actionCount to actionCount + 1

end if

if userChoice = "Disable this option" then

display dialog "The option to boot from the CD-ROM will be turned off (disabled) when changes to the preferences file are written to disk." buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with title msgTitle

set cdWriteFlag to "off"

set actionCount to actionCount + 1

end if

if userChoice = "Keep setting in preference file" then

display dialog "No change will be made to the preference file. The option to boot from a CD-ROM if present will remain" & space & cdStateVerb buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with title msgTitle

end if


-- the next if line (and the matching end if) are not needed, but are here to clarify the logic

if cdWriteFlag is not equal to cdFileFlag then

if userChoice = "Continue to enable this option" then

display dialog "As previously chosen, the option to boot from the CD-ROM will be turned on (enabled) when changes to the preferences file are written to disk." buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with title msgTitle

set cdWriteFlag to "on"

end if

if userChoice = "Disable this option" then

display dialog "As previously chosen, the option to boot from the CD-ROM will be turned off (disabled) when changes to the preferences file are written to disk." buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with title msgTitle

end if

if userChoice = "Keep setting in preference file" then

display dialog "No change will be made to the preference file. The option to boot from a CD-ROM if present will remain" & space & cdStateVerb buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with title msgTitle

if cdWriteFlag = "on" then

set cdWriteFlag to "off"


set cdWriteFlag to "on"

end if

set actionCount to actionCount - 1

end if

end if

end if

my specifyActions()

end bootCD

on createDisk()

set displayString to "Please select a size for your new disk in megabytes:"

set defaultNumber to 256



tell me to activate

set createSize to (display dialog displayString default answer defaultNumber with title msgTitle)

on error

my specifyActions()

end try


set mbNumber to (text returned of createSize) as number

set createSize to (text returned of createSize) as string

exit repeat

on error errstr

set displayString to "Please enter numbers only. You entered:"

set defaultNumber to text returned of createSize

end try

end repeat

set createNumber to (mbNumber * 2048) as string

(* -- this is for .dmg files only



tell me to activate

display dialog "Enter the name that will appear beneath the icon for your new disk:" default answer "Untitled" with title msgTitle

on error

my specifyActions()

end try

if text returned of result is not equal to "" then

set createName to text returned of result

exit repeat

end if

end repeat


tell me to activate


set newImageFile to choose file name with prompt "Choose a name and location for your new disk image file." default name "New" & createSize & "MB.dsk" default location firstFolder

on error

my specifyActions()

end try

if newImageFile = false then

my createDisk()

end if

set newImagePosix to POSIX path of newImageFile as Unicode text


tell me to activate

display dialog "This will take up to a minute. Please click OK and then wait patiently for the next message." with title msgTitle

on error

my specifyActions()

end try


-- display dialog newImageFile & space & createNumber

do shell script "dd if=/dev/zero of=" & quoted form of newImagePosix & space & "count=" & createNumber

-- do shell script "hdiutil create -megabytes" & space & createSize & space & "-fs HFS -volname" & space & quoted form of createName & space & "-o" & space & quoted form of newImagePosix & space & "-ov"

on error

tell me to activate

display dialog "Error creating image file." buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with title msgTitle

my specifyActions()

end try

set dialogText to "Do you want to add this newly-created image file to your" & space & appName & space & "system?" & return & return & newImagePosix

set buttonList to {"Do not add to system", "Add to system"}

set defBtn to 2

set userChoice to my userMsg(dialogText, buttonList, defBtn)

if userChoice = "Do not add to system" then

tell me to activate

display dialog "The new disk image will not be added to the list in the preference file on disk. You may use this program to add it later." buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with title msgTitle

end if

if userChoice = "Add to system" then

set end of listDisks to newImagePosix

set actionCount to actionCount + 1

end if

my specifyActions()

end createDisk

on removeDisk()

my getDetails()

set removeList to listDisks

set addRemoveText to ""

set markItem to ""

if the number of items in removeList is 0 then

tell me to activate

display dialog "There are no disks installed in your" & space & appName & space & "system. Please add a disk to the system before making any further changes." buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with title msgTitle

my specifyActions()

end if

if the number of items in removeList is 1 then

set addRemoveText to return & return & "Warning: the" & space & appName & space & "system will not run if you remove the only disk. If you remove this disk, you must add another before writing the changes to the preferences file."

set markItem to {item 1 in removeList}

end if

tell me to activate

set cutDisk to (choose from list removeList with prompt "Select the disk image file to remove from the" & space & appName & space & "system by clicking on it so that its name is highlighted. (The actual file will not be deleted from your OS X disk.)" & addRemoveText OK button name "Remove" default items markItem) as text

-- add error handler here?

set shorterList to my removeFromList(cutDisk, removeList)

set listDisks to shorterList

if fileDisks = listDisks then


set actionCount to actionCount + 1

end if

my specifyActions()

end removeDisk

on setStart()

my getDetails()

set introText to ""

set startList to listDisks


set movedList to my moveToFirst(startList, introText)

on error

my specifyActions()

end try

set listDisks to movedList

if startList = movedList then

set dialogText to "Selected startup disk is the same as the current startup disk." & return & return & "No change made to list."

set buttonList to {"OK"}

set defBtn to 1

my userMsg(dialogText, buttonList, defBtn)


set actionCount to actionCount + 1

end if

my getDetails()

my specifyActions()

end setStart

on writePrefs()

set noDiskChange to "yes"

if fileDisks = listDisks then


set noDiskChange to "no"

set addWriteText to ""

if cdFileFlag = cdWriteFlag then


set addWriteText to return & "The option to boot from CD-ROM (if present) will also be turned" & space & cdStateVerb

end if

if the number of items in listDisks is greater than 1 then

set textPlural to "s:"


set textPlural to ":"

end if

set dialogText to "You are about to write a new" & space & appName & space & "preference file listing the following disk image" & textPlural & return & return & bulletList & addWriteText

set buttonList to {"Cancel and exit", "Return to main menu", "Write preference file"}

set defBtn to 3

set userChoice to my userMsg(dialogText, buttonList, defBtn)

if userChoice = false then

error number -128

end if

if userChoice = "Cancel and exit" then

set cancelOut to 1

set dialogText to "Program cancelled."

my cancelQuit(dialogText, msgTitle)

error number -128

end if

if userChoice = "Return to main menu" then

my specifyActions()

end if

if userChoice = "Write preference file" then

do shell script "grep -v ^disk ~/." & prefsUnixFile & " > ~/.prefFileTemp"

repeat with theCurrentDisk in listDisks

if "(file or path not found!)" is in theCurrentDisk then

set the contents of theCurrentDisk to text 1 thru ((offset of "(" in theCurrentDisk) - 1) of theCurrentDisk

end if

do shell script "echo disk" & space & theCurrentDisk & space & ">> ~/.prefFileTemp"

end repeat


do shell script "mv ~/.prefFileTemp ~/." & prefsUnixFile

on error

set dialogText to "Problem writing new preferences file. Changes to list of disks not made."

errorQuit(dialogText, msgTitle)

end try

end if

end if

if cdFileFlag = cdWriteFlag then


if noDiskChange = "yes" then

set dialogText to "You are about to write a new" & space & appName & space & "preference file in which the option to boot from a CD-ROM (if present) will be switched" & space & cdStateVerb

set buttonList to {"Return to main menu", "Write new preference file"}

set defBtn to 2

set userChoice to my userMsg(dialogText, buttonList, defBtn)

if userChoice = "Write new preference file" then


my specifyActions()

end if

end if

if cdWriteFlag = "off" then

set cdNumber to "0"


set cdNumber to "-62"

end if

do shell script "grep -v ^bootdriver ~/." & prefsUnixFile & " > ~/.prefFileTemp"

do shell script "echo bootdriver" & space & cdNumber & space & ">> ~/.prefFileTemp"


do shell script "mv ~/.prefFileTemp ~/." & prefsUnixFile

on error

set dialogText to "Problem writing new preferences file. CD-ROM boot option not set."

errorQuit(dialogText, msgTitle)

end try

end if

set dialogText to "Preferences file written correctly. Launch" & space & appName & ", return to main menu, or Exit?" & return & return & "(If you choose to Launch" & space & appName & ", I will try to run Exposé briefly in order to clear screen artifacts that may appear. Your desktop will return to normal within two or three seconds.)"

set buttonList to {"Launch" & space & appName, "Return to main menu", "Exit"}

set defBtn to 3

set userChoice to my userMsg(dialogText, buttonList, defBtn)

if userChoice = "Exit" then

error number -128

end if

if userChoice = ("Launch" & space & appName) then


if appName = "Basilisk II" then

set appRun to "BasiliskII"


set appRun to "SheepShaver"

end if

tell application appRun to activate


my launchExpose()

on error


my runExpose()

end try

end try

on error

set dialogText to "Could not launch" & space & appName & ". Sorry."

my errorQuit(dialogText, msgTitle)

end try

error number -128

end if

if userChoice = "Return to main menu" then

set actionCount to 0

my readPrefs()

my specifyActions()

end if

end writePrefs

on appCheck(appName)

global msgTitle

if (appName = "Basilisk II" or appName = "SheepShaver") then

set msgTitle to "Choose Disk Images for" & space & appName

if appName = "Basilisk II" then

set prefsUnixFile to "basilisk_ii_prefs"

end if

if appName = "SheepShaver" then

set prefsUnixFile to "sheepshaver_prefs"

end if

return {msgTitle, prefsUnixFile}


set msgTitle to "Disk Image Chooser for Emulators"

set dialogText to "Application name must be either Basilisk II or SheepShaver"

my errorQuit(dialogText, msgTitle)

end if

end appCheck

on getDisk(firstDisk, firstUnix, bulletList)

tell me to activate


set chooseAlias to choose file default location firstUnix with prompt "Choose a disk image file to add to the" & space & appName & space & "system. Already installed:" & return & return & bulletList without invisibles

tell (info for chooseAlias without size) to set {aliasName, aliasExt} to {name, name extension}

tell application "Finder"

set aliasType to file type of chooseAlias

-- display dialog ("aliasType: " & aliasType as string) & " and also aliasExt: " & aliasExt

set extList to {"dsk", "img", "image", "dmg", "hfv"}

set typeList to {"devr", "dimg", "DMd3", "DDim", "dImg"}

if aliasExt is in extList then


if aliasType is in typeList then


set dialogText to ("You have selected the file:" & return & return & POSIX path of chooseAlias as string) & return & return & "Are you sure this is a disk image file?"

set buttonList to {"Yes, this is a disk image", "No, this is not a disk image"}

set defBtn to 2

set userChoice to my userMsg(dialogText, buttonList, defBtn)

if userChoice = "No, this is not a disk image" then

my specifyActions()

end if

end if

end if

end tell

on error

my specifyActions()

end try

if chooseAlias = "" then

my specifyActions()

end if

global chooseDisk

set chooseDisk to POSIX path of chooseAlias as string

-- display dialog chooseDisk as string

return chooseDisk

end getDisk

on removeDuplicates(newList, newAddDisk)

set undupList to {}

set firstCount to number of items in newList

repeat with an_item in newList

if undupList does not contain an_item then set end of undupList to (contents of an_item)

end repeat

set secondCount to number of items in undupList

if firstCount = secondCount then


tell me to activate

display dialog "The disk image that you chose is already in the system:" & return & return & newAddDisk buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with title msgTitle

set dupeRemoved to 1

end if

return undupList

end removeDuplicates

on moveToFirst(startList, introText)

if number of items in startList is greater than 1 then

set startText to "first bootable disk in the list below."


set startText to "disk listed below (if bootable)."

end if

tell me to activate

set newFirst to (choose from list startList with prompt introText & "Select a startup disk for the" & space & appName & space & "system." & return & return & "The current startup disk is the" & space & startText OK button name "Select" cancel button name "No change" default items {item 1 in startList}) as text

set tDO to AppleScript's text item delimiters

set fixList to startList

if newFirst is not equal to "false" then

set myDelimiter to character id 5

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {myDelimiter}

set startstring to startList as string

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {myDelimiter & newFirst & myDelimiter}

set fixList to (text items of (myDelimiter & startstring & myDelimiter))

set newString to newFirst & (item 1 of fixList) & myDelimiter & (item 2 of fixList)

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {myDelimiter}

set fixList to reverse of (rest of (reverse of (text items of newString)))


set changeCancelled to 1

my specifyActions()

end if

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {return}

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tDO

set movedList to fixList

return movedList

end moveToFirst

on removeFromList(theItem, aList)

set shorterList to {}

repeat with x in aList

if x as string is not equal to theItem as string then

set shorterList to shorterList & x

end if

end repeat

return shorterList

end removeFromList

on userMsg(dialogText, buttonList, defBtn)

tell me to activate


display dialog dialogText buttons buttonList default button defBtn with icon note with title msgTitle

on error

my specifyActions()

end try

set userChoice to button returned of result

if userChoice = "Quit" then

error number -128

end if

return userChoice

end userMsg

on listToString(theList, stringDelim)

set oTD to AppleScript's text item delimiters

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to stringDelim

global bulletList

set bulletList to theList as string

if bulletList = "" then

set bulletList to "None (boot from CD-ROM only)"

end if

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oTD

return bulletList

end listToString

on runExpose()

-- attempt to run Exposé to clear up screen artifacts

set fcode to ""

tell application "System Events"

tell expose preferences


set fcode to (get function key of application windows shortcut) as string

--set fKeyMod to (get function key modifiers of application windows shortcut) as string

end try

end tell

end tell

if fcode is not equal to "" then

set kcode to my getkcode(fcode)

-- delay 1


tell application "System Events"

key code kcode

delay 1

key code kcode

end tell

end try

end if

end runExpose

on getkcode(fcode) -- for testing for Exposé keycode

set fcodes to {"F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6", "F7", "F8", "F9", "F10", "F11", "F12", "F13", "F14", "F15"}

set kcodes to {122, 120, 99, 118, 96, 97, 98, 100, 101, 109, 103, 111, 105, 107, 113}

set kcode to missing value

if fcode is in fcodes then

set countfcodes to length of fcodes

repeat with i from 1 to countfcodes

if fcode is equal to item i of fcodes then

set kcode to item i of kcodes

exit repeat

end if

end repeat

end if

return kcode

end getkcode

on launchExpose()

set reqVers to 1050

set verCheck to my minOSVers(reqVers)

if verCheck = false then



delay 1

tell application id "com.apple.exposelauncher" to launch

delay 1

tell application id "com.apple.exposelauncher" to launch

end try

end if

end launchExpose

on minOSVers(reqVers) -- test for required OS version; reqVers is e.g. 1041 = 10.4.1

set numList to characters of (reqVers as string)

set decNum to 0

repeat with num in numList

set decNum to (16 * decNum) + num

end repeat

set sysv to (system attribute "sysv")

if sysv < decNum then return false

return true

end minOSVers

on testOthers() -- Don't run if Basilisk II or the GUI is running

tell application "System Events"

set myList to (name of every process)

end tell

if appName = "Basilisk II" then

if (myList contains "BasiliskII") is true then

set dialogText to "Shut down Basilisk II before running this installer."

errorQuit(dialogText, msgTitle)

end if

if (myList contains "BasiliskIIGUI") is true then

set dialogText to "Close Basilisk II GUI before running this installer."

errorQuit(dialogText, msgTitle)

end if

end if

if appName = "SheepShaver" then

if (myList contains "SheepShaver") is true then

set dialogText to "Shut down SheepShaver before running this installer."


end if

if (myList contains "SheepShaverPrefs") is true then

set dialogText to "Close SheepShaverPrefs before running this installer."


end if

end if

end testOthers

on errorQuit(dialogText, msgTitle) -- Fatal error, quitting script

tell me to activate

display dialog dialogText buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon stop with title msgTitle

error number -128

end errorQuit

on cancelQuit(dialogText, msgTitle) -- no error, just quitting script

tell me to activate

display dialog dialogText buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with title msgTitle

-- tell me to quit

error number -128

end cancelQuit