←(Use Google Translate to see an approximate translation into another language) |
Frank da Cruz
1 September 2022
Updated: 6 June 2023
Dedicated to my high-school Russian teacher, Mr. Thompson
Посвящается моему школьному учителю русского языка мистеру Томпсону.
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Click to see photo gallery |
By the way, this page was created on a Linux host accessed via C-Kermit for Windows, whose terminal emulator lets me paste or type Cyrillic text, and in the case of typing can be configured to assign the letters to English keys "by sound" so I can touch-type in Russian (see table) (see script). Kermit also uploaded the images and it even made the gallery.
Youtube link | Русский | English |
e4My2EGFxkI | Как хотела меня мать | Everything as my Mom wants |
O3Auj58oyaM | На горе колхоз | The kolkhoz on the mountain |
ipTJk4rU2TU | Сирень | Lilac |
CV-BCRZTjNk | Я когда-то была молодая | Respect your elders (new June 2023) |
skbBs00H3AY | Ах, вы сени мои, сени | You are my shelter |
62eoBRSr7js | Ах, мамочка | Oh, mommy! (extra singers) |
nDYQsBHSAT4 | Мы на лодочке катались | We rode on a boat (spoons, snow) |
vkL3bMVfkMU | Течет ручей | The Stream is Flowing |
aOdtctv88-I | Июль | July |
twDQxoe9c6g | Баба-шутница | Woman-Joker |
hlx6Lo_Hvjo | Я когда-то была молодая | When I was young |
_FZwLHLX8Zc | Ой, снег-снежок | Oh snow snow |
OgCPIgqY44c | Трактористка | Tractor girl |
XSNJMQpHosw | Егорушка | Yegorushka (a capella) |
EQkN8UvpwKc | Ночь | The Night (a capella) |
25DlgqZTmiY | Крапива-лебеда | Nettle-quinoa |
oR4fRrAhklY | Миленький мой | My little one |
Bmx196CRlG0 | Люблю тебя | Love You (spoons) |
dauVhyFBbQs | Ах, судьба моя! | Ah my destiny! |
8HjKozAhe20 | Выйду на улицу | I will go outside |
F3rfiQR7AiQ | Колечко | The Ring |
hmB-pKZbhfw | Старый дед | Old grandfather |
RZbjFN8l0RU | Верила | I had believed |
xjiP4J5VbXo | Как родная меня мать провожала | My Birth Mother |
xVozDB-Juno | Коробейники | Peddlers (spoons) |
5FXwRYMcTTo | Ромашка | The Chamomile |
rOGuSTt6ErY | Кадриль | Quadrille |
YoE6KinOLCU | Миленький мой | You are my dear |
r2757JlMGkI | Под окном | Under the window |
NPf0WEe14Rg | Тарантасик | Tarantass |
7kWGjhVWkHE | Марусенька | Marusen'ka |
w0BMpAMJbpw | Ухарь-купец | Ukhar the merchant |
Re5dr5qD1NI | Подай балалайку | Give me balalaika |
EvKnHBS4deU | Елочки-сосеночки | Spruces pine trees |
gFG78XGoGS0 | Ой, сад во дворе | The garden courtyard (a capella) |
TMZZLqfj6Kk | Думы | Thoughts (a capella) |
VHTv9XwbdFk | Курочка | Hen |
gqYgLZz2XoM | Роза | The rose |
n9cY00_jzi4 | Называют меня некрасивою | They call me ugly |
Sq5zSBwWzp8 | Костры горят далекие | Far bonfires are burning |
woAPS483KS8 | А я люблю женатого | I love the married one |
16-IeNObDnI | Цветочки | The florets* |
PxbugQs1Q1Q | Белоснежная вишня | Snow-white cherry* |
8MylyFtfYiM | На горе колхоз | The collective farm on the mountain* |
YI6_U1Z_hZs | Цладкая ягода | Sweet berry* |
7hrvqcOhSCI | Я когда-то была молодая | When I was young* |
NZ-eWQjcsXQ | Кольчики на пальчики | Rings on Fingers* |
mE7i0aVfUoY | Мечты о Калифорнии | California Dreamin' |
* New November 2022,
several of them filmed at a recording session at
Радио Шансон (Radio Chanson).
Second group: cooking lessons with a capella singing, a slightly different group, 10-16 minutes each, English subtitles. In the Chicken Cutlet video we learn that Katya is a vegetarian.
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Youtube ID | Русский | English |
dCZ42Px0f_Q | Куриные котлеты | Chicken cutlets, several songs (16min) |
G1eX4SVyfWA | Витаминный салат | Vitamin salad (13min) |
VKpwOH07bzE | Как сделать Блины | How to make Blini (10m) |
ZGOoTakgzAQ | Идеальный борщ | Classic Red Borscht (16m) |
Fg8KHNjasgQ | Оливье Новогодний салат | Olivier Russian Salad* |
Third group: Shorts - New June 2023
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ASZXJVMK2DA | Огней так много золотых ч.1 | So many golden lights part 1 |
R9aU3Wh7dso | Роза | Rose |
R9aU3Wh7dso | Мария Пахомова | Maria Pakhomova |
azdhQsO3kS4 | Ромашка | Chamomile |
NTqErCczbYM | Вишня | Cherry |
And now for something completely different (but also from Russia)... Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D-minor played on the баян (bayan) by Сергей Телешев (Sergei Teleshev). The bayan resembles an accordion but has the power of a mammoth cathedral organ.
I first studied Russian at the US Army Frankfurt High School in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1960-61.