Dad WWII souvenirs

Dad WWII souvenirs

The dogtag is the regular WWII Navy one, a different shape from more-rectangular Army dogtag. The lines on the tag are:
  1. First name
  2. Middle name
  3. Surname
  4. Service number
  5. Blood type (no RH factor), date of last tetanus shot m-dd-yyyy.
  6. USNP = United States Navy P*
  7. "P." for Protestant
* USN is United States Navy. USNR would be Navy Reserve; USNI is Navy inductee (draftee). I don't know what USNP is, but he enlisted; this dogtag is from his second enlistment.

Strictly speaking, he was a Catholic, since both his parents were Catholic, unless he was baptised as a Protestant; if he was I never heard about it or saw any record of it. Also his middle name was Fuller, and apparently he left it off his Navy signup papers.

The World War II medal is kind of nice. It shows Lady Liberty (or whoever else the woman is supposed to be) holding a broken sword and stepping on a military helmet. On the other side it has Roosevelt's Four Freedoms: Freedom from Want, Freedom from Fear, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion. Is that what we were fighting for? We never got the first two and, in the Age of Trump, we have a bit too much of the third.