Welcome to the Amateur Computerist's Web Corner

The Amateur Computerist grew out of a battle against the cancellation of computer programming classes for hourly workers at the Ford Rouge Factory. The newsletter deals with computer issues and labor issues. The Amateur Computerist is dedicated to support for grassroots efforts and movements like the "computers for the people movement" that gave birth to the personal computer in the 1970s and 1980s and articles about these developments have appeared in past issues of the newsletter. Most recently the newsletter is documenting the history of the development of the Global Computer Communications Network, of Usenet, and of Unix and the progressive impact of these important breakthroughs.

Ways to access the Amateur Computerist Newsletter:

Also Available

Links to The NetBook, "The Netizens and the Wonderful World of the Net: An Anthology" - A net-book about the history of the net, and some cultural context.
To see all issues click here:

All issues 1988 to the Present

Some issues can be seen here:

Vol 13 No 2
Vol 14 No 1
Vol 14 No 2
Vol 15 No 1
Vol 15 No 2
Vol 16 No 1
Vol 16 No 2
Vol 17 No 1

You can reach Jay Hauben at <hauben@columbia.edu> Also see Michael Hauben's Original webpage /