-------------------------------------------------------------------- Reading #34 Co-op History Reading/Discussion Club August 26, 2012 -------------------------------------------------------------------- [When reading the history of our cooperatives we often see that the Amalgamated Housing Cooperative can trace its roots to the experiment in cooperative organization started in 1844 by the Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers. The following article is the first part of an essay looking back in history to trace how the Rochdale cooperative got started and perhaps why a cooperative movement today of over one billion people worldwide bases itself on this 168 year old experiment in cooperation. The essay was written in 1994 for the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Rochdale Cooperative.] The Meaning of Rochdale The Rochdale Pioneers and the Co-operative Principles by Brett Fairbairn, 1994 Rochdale, England, is known by millions for one reason: a handful of labourers established a co-operative there in 1844 known as the Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers. That co-operative was adopted as the inspiration and model for a movement that now includes nearly 700 million people around the world. As this paper is being written, co-operators around the world are preparing to celebrate the 150th anniversary of its birth. But what did Rochdale mean? Why is it considered so important? Symbols and Reality Rochdale is part myth. There was also a concrete historical reality, accessible to us through documents and first-hand accounts and modern books that interpret those old sources. But entirely apart from the historical reality, Rochdale is a living, active symbol that influences understanding of co-operatives in countries around the world today. The myth of Rochdale has to do with twenty-eight impoverished weavers who started a shop in Toad Lane in 1844; a shop that became the first successful co-operative in the world; a co-operative that defined the principles for all later co-operatives to follow. Each of those three contentions, by the way, is largely false: that Rochdale was opened by starving weavers, that it was the worlds first successful co-operative, that one need look only at its statutes to find the true co-operative principles. But no matter, the myth has its own kind of truth, and such myths and such truths are to be respected. This myth is a good and constructive one and contains elements that are true by anyone's definition. Rochdale is a historical reality, and it is an icon or totem for the world cooperative movement, an object of belief and inspiration for millions. What does it mean? The important thing to remember is that the meaning of Rochdale is constructed by each generation to meet its own needs. The problems of 1844 in some ways resemble those in developing countries and less developed communities today. The solutions in Rochdale look something like the modern idea of socially sustainable development: in the most general terms, Rochdale stands for development in the long-term interests of people and communities' development controlled by the people it affects. Rochdale is a vision of participation in social change. This is a good reason to look closely at the meaning of Rochdale. But what one finds may not be simple. . . . Part One: The Historical Reality of Rochdale The labourers who organized the Rochdale Pioneers, 150 years ago, were people suffering from the social dislocations of the industrial revolution. They struggled to survive periodic unemployment, low pay, unhealthy cities, and dangerous workplaces. They had no social benefits no insurance or health care or pensions from their employers or from the state. They were dependent on merchants who were sometimes unscrupulous, who exploited the helplessness of the poor by selling at high prices, by adulterating goods, or by trapping them with offers of credit. And the Rochdale labourers faced these challenges in a time and place when they had no vote, no democratically elected government to represent them, no interventionist state to protect them. Their answer to daunting social problems was a special kind of self-help: mutual self-help, in which they would help themselves by helping each other. It was a small start to a large international movement. The Social and Political Context Rochdale was a textile-based manufacturing town whose chief industry was in decline due to the industrial revolution. For centuries Rochdale had been a centre for the manufacture of flannel; but in the early decades of the nineteenth century, handloom weavers faced competition from the power loom and lost markets due to American tariff policies. Discontent in Rochdale centered among the weavers. There was repeated labour unrest, including violent strikes in 1808 and 1829. After the first of these incidents, troops were stationed near Rochdale until 1846. The town was also an important centre of working-class, radical politics. Workers from Rochdale played important roles in the trade-union movement, in the massive but unsuccessful campaign of Chartism to obtain the vote for ordinary people, and in the Factory Act movements for regulation of industry and protection of workers. In 1819 some thirteen thousand people attended a reform meeting in Rochdale, where one of the speakers was Tom Collier, uncle of the later Rochdale Pioneer John Collier. Famous reform-oriented, liberal politicians were also associated with Rochdale: John Bright was from there, and Richard Cobden was for a time Rochdale's member of parliament. Crucial to the later success of the Rochdale Pioneers was the fact that Rochdale had for years been a centre of co-operative activity. The Rochale Friendly Co-operative Society had been formed in 1830 by about sixty flannel weavers. It had a retail store from 1833-35 at No.15 Toad Lane, just down the street from the premises used after 1844 by the Pioneers. Several later Pioneers were associated with this early venture: Charles Howarth, James Standring, and John Aspden. In other words, even the Rochdale Pioneers, whose success in retrospect seems almost magical, were the result of decades of hard work, failures, and disappointments. The Owenite movement was also strong in Rochdale and made a lasting impression on many of the founders of the Pioneers. Owenism, named after maverick industrialist and reformer Robert Owen, was a philosophy that lay at the origins of socialism, trade unionism, social reform, and co-operation, in a day when these ideas were not distinct from one another. Perhaps Owens key social criticism of his age was that workers were denied the full value of their labour, toiling in poverty for the profit of others. Owen had no high opinion of the moral and cultural values of the poor, but saw economic and educational improvement as essential for creating a better population. In order to capture more of the value of their labour, Owenite workers banded together to form associations for mutual aid and education. They aimed to increase wages by collective action and by starting their own worker-owned enterprises; they aimed to raise the standard of practical education and by practical they meant especially knowledge of politics and economics through libraries and courses; and they aimed to extend workers purchasing power through co-operative buying. Owenites were active in Rochdale in the 1830s, and in 1838 an Owenite branch was formed which took over a pub, The Weavers Arms, and set it up as The New Social Institution, a centre of Owenite activity. Owenite speakers gave lectures every week. One visitor noted that Rochdale stood out in its Owenite zeal: Almost every night in the week is devoted to the cultivation of the mental and moral faculties. Moreover, at the time the Rochdale Pioneers were founded, the last great Owenite community project at Queenwood was underway, and the struggles and debates related to Queenwood probably energized the Rochdale Owenites in their efforts to bring about the creation of a new co-operative association. Briefly, one of the issues at Queenwood was the ability of the Owenites to pursue their ideals regardless of Owen. The reaction of activists against Owens meddling did not save Queenwood, but it energized a number of experiments like Rochdale that Owen would not have sanctioned. The Owenite movement had struggled to find its own dynamism independent of Owens grandiose and poorly guided projects. Rochdale was one result. But Owenites were identified as socialists a newly coined word and persecuted. Their posters and building were vandalized. Perhaps because the Owenites were controversial and marginalized, it was not the Owenite movement as such that created Rochdale, but a core of Owenite activists working in conjunction with other groups. Charles Howarth, who had been the local leader of the Owenite branch, was a leading figure in the Pioneers, and James Daly, one of the Owenite branch secretaries, became the first secretary of the new co-operative. The Founding of the Rochdale Pioneers William Cooper, another Owenite among the original Pioneers, said in 1866 that the failure of a weavers strike early in 1844, and the subsequent attempt to form a flannel weavers production society, were part of what precipitated the formation of the Pioneers. The 1840s were a bitter decade in Rochdale and many other parts of Europe, associated with poverty, hunger, and unemployment. No group was more desperate than weavers. However, the role of weavers in setting up the Rochdale Pioneers has been exaggerated by many casual writers. A close reading of the founding documents shows that weavers made up a large proportion of the first list of subscribers who supported the creation of the Pioneers. However, by the time of the founding meeting on 15 August 1844, many of the weavers had dropped out perhaps because they were too desperate or too destitute to invest time or money in a co-operative venture. The creation of the Pioneers is better seen as a kind of partnership between a group of Owenites, the weavers, some ex-Chartists, and some temperance campaigners. Of thirty names of identifiable founding members, fifteen were Owenite socialists, including many of the leading activists in Rochdale. Only ten were weavers. Arnold Bonner suggests that most of the founding members were not starving and desperate, but were comparatively well-paid skilled artisans... Idealism, the vision of a better social order, not hunger, inspired these men... There is sometimes a tendency, perhaps an inclination, to forget that the Pioneers commenced business with the purpose of pioneering the way to a new and better social order.... Without an ideal there would have been no Co-operative Movement. The founders of Rochdale were of course poor compared to their social superiors. They lacked real economic or political power, or high social status. And the poverty and misery surrounding them in Rochdale were undoubtedly a large part of their motivation for creating a co-operative. It is, therefore, reasonable to say that the forces of poverty and need inspired the formation of the Rochdale co-operative. But they did so somewhat indirectly, mediated by the agency of idealism and critical social thought, and by the activists of Owenism, Chartism, and other social movements. The Rochdale Pioneers did not rise spontaneously from need, but were organized consciously by thinkers, activists, and leaders who functioned within a network of ideas and institutions. The same can probably be said of all successful co-operatives in all times and places: they arise from need when some activists, institutions, or agencies consciously promote and organize them. Also, while co-operatives have frequently been tools for the relatively poor or marginalized, there is evidence that (just as in Rochdale) they are rarely led by the very poorest. The founders in 1844 were looking for a mutual self-help organization that would advance their cause and serve their social objectives through concrete economic action. They called their new association the Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers, a name that rang with overtones of Owenism. Equitable had been one of Robert Owens favourite words as in his plan for Equitable Labour Exchanges that would allow workers to exchange goods and services directly with each other, bypassing employers and middlemen. To Owenites, Equitable signified a society that would eliminate capitalist-style exploitation, and that would exchange goods and reward labour fairly according to Owens ideas. The word Pioneers might have been inspired by the newspaper The Pioneer, which had been the organ first of the Operative Builders Union, an early trade union, and later of Owens Grand National Consolidated Trades Union. To choose a name like Equitable Pioneers in 1844 was a social and even political statement, and implied that the Pioneers were consciously taking a place in the movement for social reform and the advancement of the working class and its interests. The new Rochdale society had pragmatic economic purposes, but within the context of an activist working-class culture and a visionary ideological outlook. The connection between ideology and pragmatic action is apparent from the first article of their statutes, in which the Pioneers laid out the objects of their society. ======================================================================== Objects of the Rochdale Pioneers From the Statutes of 1844 Law the First The objects and plans of this Society are to form arrangements for the pecuniary benefit, and improvement of the social and domestic condition of its members, by raising a sufficient amount of capital in shares of one pound each, to bring into operation the following plans and arrangements. The establishment of a store for the sale of provisions and clothing, etc. The building, purchasing or erecting of a number of houses, in which those members, desiring to assist each other in improving their domestic and social condition, may reside. To commence the manufacture of such articles as the Society may determine upon, for the employment of such members as may be without employment, or who may be suffering in consequence of repeated reductions in their wages. As a further benefit and security to the members of this Society, the Society shall purchase or rent and estate or estates of land, which shall be cultivated by the members who may be out of employment, or whose labour may be badly remunerated. That as soon as practicable, this Society shall proceed to arrange the powers of production, distribution, education, and government, or in other words to establish a self-supporting home-colony of united interests, or assist other Societies in establishing such colonies. That, for the promotion of sobriety, a temperance hotel be opened in one of the Society's houses as soon as convenient. ===================================================================== Some observations come to mind. First, the Rochdale Pioneers existed for the financial benefit of their members, but also for the improvement of their social and household condition. The Pioneers combined economic and social purposes and evidently saw no conflict between them. Second, the Rochdale Pioneers were conceived as what we might now call a multipurpose co-operative that would undertake a variety of different kinds of economic activities on behalf of their members. The founders did not intend that the Pioneers would operate stores only. And there was a sequence to these economic activities. First the Pioneers would open a store; it would mobilize the purchasing power of members, and begin the accumulation of capital. Then, using the accumulated share capital and surpluses from store operations, co-operative housing would be undertaken, and co-operative production in which the society would provide employment to its members. Products from employment of members could be marketed through the society's stores. Finally, they would create a utopian community (self-supporting home-colony) in which nonexploitive social and economic relationships would be achieved. Co-operative housing, worker co-operatives, even collective agricultural co-operatives, can all look back to the original Rochdale plan for inspiration, for they were all pieces of the Pioneers vision. In 1844 these pieces were not separate, for consumer co-operation had not yet become split from producer co-operation, nor one sector from another, to the degree that has become common in the twentieth century. The Rochdale Pioneers conceived in one association of what would now make a multicultural co-operative movement. The complementary half of this multicultural vision is that it was a localized vision: integrated co-operation within a geographically compact community. The Pioneers imagined their association growing in terms of diversification and integration what we might in the twentieth century call horizontal and vertical integration. In aiming at integrated community-scale co-operation, the Pioneers were undoubtedly reflecting the culture and practical experience of working-class organization in Britain. -----------------------to be continued-------------------------- The History Club began reading this essay in August, 2012. You can see the whole article at: http://usaskstudies.coop/pdf-files/Rochdale.pdf or on the History Club webpage at: http://www.columbia.edu/~hauben/amalgamated/history/34/Meaning_of_Rochedale.pdf ==========================================================