If you have questions, read on...

I have received e-mail from many people asking where to find the lyrics to some obscure song, sheet music, or otherwise just general information. While I have collected many music WWW pages, and make this knowledge available on my pages, I do not know that much more. %-)

So I apologize for all the e-mail I have not responded to, but do have a few recomendations to make. One, do a web search or an archie (gopher) search using a keyword with the band's name, artist's name or something unique to your question. If you find relevant web pages that I do not have listed, please send me the URL so I can consider adding it to my list.

If you do not find anything on a web search, then you should post your questions to an appropiate newsgroup. Some broad general newsgroups include rec.music.general, and bit.listserv.allmusic. However, note that your question might be more appropiate for more specific newsgroups, for example, rec.music.bluenote for Jazz and Blues, rec.music.classical for classical music, rec.music.industrial for industrial fans, rec.music.ambient for ambient lovers, alt.rock-n-roll and all its other groups under that hierarchy, alt.music.techno for techno lovers, etc etc. (Some newsgroups get so specific to be about certain bands or groups, or certain combinations, such as alt.rap-gdead for people who enjoy both rap and the Greatful Dead.)

If you want more information on how to read or post to Usenet, search for the correct newsgroup or otherwise, check out one of these links:

If you do not have access to Usenet from your account, then you can try these two WWW pages:
Last modified: Sat Dec 27 13:06:09 1997
Michael Hauben <eewml-add@columbia.ed.edu>