Bulletin of the Psychoanalytic Research Society, Volume IV, Number 1, Spring, 1995

Psychoanalytic Research Fund
Proposal Guideline for Dissertation Research Award

The Psychoanalytic Research Society (Section VI of APA's Division of Psychoanalysis) has established a fund to support empirical doctoral dissertation research related to Psychoanalytic theory and technique. Depending on the number of worthy submissions, awards will be in the $1000-$1500 range.

Proposals postmarked by November 1, 1994 are accepted for consideration from any student member of Division 39 or The Psychoanalytic Research Society. The proposal should be clear, concise, and not more than 10 doubled spaced typewritten pages, including a budget, time schedule and references. Use the outline suggested below. Send four copies of the proposal to Dr. Harold Cook, Department of Clinical Psychology, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027

Follow the APA Publication Manual for style, grammar, punctuation, etc. Include a separate cover page with the title, your name, dissertation sponsor's name, university affiliation, and your address. Do not include any identifying information in the rest of the proposal. Include a letter from your dissertation sponsor or advisor certifying that the proposal has been approved by a dissertation committee, and the date of approval.

1. Title should be brief and directly related to what is being proposed.

2. Problems and Objectives - Should include information regarding why the research is being undertaken; a concise statement of the problem and objectives; a brief review of the most germane literature, including relevant theory and related research, and any other information necessary to establish a sound rationale. Include specific research questions and/or hypotheses.

3. Description of Activities (Method) - Indicate what is to be done, and how. It is the basis for determining the degree to which the proposed activity can be expected to accomplish the objectives, and/or answer the research questions or hypothesis. It delineates subjects, design, procedure, describes in detail the measures to be used or produced, including the means by which you plan to analyze the date. It should be specific enough so that someone else could replicate the study.

4. The Use or Implication of Findings - Indicate specific implications of your findings for Psychoanalytic theory, research, and/or practice.

5. References - Only those mentioned in the text of the proposal.

6. Budget - Costs for each item requested must be specified with an accompanying explanation.

7. Time Schedule - A time table for conducting the project.

Note. Award winners must submit a research paper of the completed study to the committee chair and acknowledge the Funds support in any publication of the same.

The Fund's Advisory Committee consists of: Harold Cook, chair; Gwendolyn Gerber, Robert Bornstein, Morris Eagle, Norbert Freedman, Joseph Masling, Joy Osofsky, George Stricker and Hans Strupp.

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