I. Local History (by Scott O'Bryan)
II. Labor and Social Movements
(by Giles Richter)
III. Women's Studies (by Julie
IV. Customs and Ethnography
(by Suzanne O'Brien)
A) Dictionaries
B) Bibliographies
C) Multivolume Series
D) One-Volume Works
E) Historiographical Works
F) Pictorial Resources
V. Economic and Business History
(by Simon Partner)
A) Bibliographies
B) Statistics
and Chronologies
C) Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
D) Directories
E) Company Histories
F) Biographies
VI. Colonial History (by Ethan
A) Bibliographies--English
B) Bibliographies--Japanese
C) Shiryô--English
D) Shiryô--Japanese
VII. Folklore (by Leland Buckley)
The basic sources for the history of any region or locality in Japan are the prefectural and municipal histories compiled by the local governments: kenshi, shishi, chôshi, sonshi, gunshi and kushi. Most are written by members of the local educational board [kyôiku iinkai]. They vary widely in quality, although rather little in style. Still, these official histories are the place to begin any local historical study, as they provide information that would be time-consuming, if not impossible to glean from other sources (including statistics showing growth and change in population, industry etc., as well as descriptions of culture, biographies of famous local figures, and so forth). Because so many are published, since 1983 Columbia has followed a policy of collecting official and industry histories for only a section of the country, in agreement with Harvard, Yale and Princeton, which cover the rest. These regional divisions are:
Okinawa, Kyûshû and Shikoku: Princeton
Chûgoku, Kinki (excluding Kyoto): Yale
Hokuriku, Chûbu (including Kyoto): Columbia
Kansai, Tôhoku, Hokkaidô: Harvard
Starr Library does, however, continue to buy principal works related to places of special cultural importance: Nara, Kyoto, Tokyo, Fukuoka. Prior to 1983, purchases were unsystematic, so the old geography section of the Starr Library stacks (presently at Lehman Library) contains a large number of volumes for areas outside of the university's recently established sphere of responsibility. Also, note that recent local histories do not necessarily supersede earlier ones, since emphases change (particularly before and after 1945) and compilations of data that were once contemporary become history themselves.
A bibiliography of 12,111 works of local history, some published, some not. Volume one covers 1967 to 1944. Entries are ordered by prefecture, then grouped into general histories for the region and local village and town histories. Bracketed characters at the end of each entry indicate libraries where the works may be found. Titles indexed in v3.
A personal compilation by historian Takahashi Bonsen of 3800 titles
in Japanese local history, primarily works published between 1869 and 1947,
ordered by region, prefecture and municipality. Includes fudoki and other
premodern works available in reprint. The majority of entries have only
publication information and list of volume titles; a few have also some
of the table of contents. An index of titles is appended.
Nihon shakaishugi bunken kaisetsu: Meiji ishin kara Taiheiyô
sensô made. By Watanabe Yoshimichi and Shioda Shôbei. Ôtsuki
Shoten, 1958.
Call no.: R 363.W293
IHJ: 1174
Divided up into 5 chronological periods, from the Meiji Restoration through 1945. Each section has an overview as well as annotated section which names the publisher and provides a short biography of the authors of various books, journals, pamphlets. Coverage is fairly detailed in some cases, ranging from from 3-04 lines to a page or two per item. It has an index as well as chronology detailing party organizations, publications, events relevant to Japanese socialism. It is important to note that the orientation of the summaries contain a distinct pro-socyialist bias, though this does not diminish the importance of this work as an indispensable resource for beginning researchers in the field, or someone trying to grasp quickly the nature of trends in Japanese socialism before the war. The more obscure publications noted may be located at Hôsei University's Ohara Shakaishugi Mondai Kenkyûjo.
Basically an annotated bibliography of Meiji socialism, from Meiji 15 (1882) to Taisho 3 (1914). This work gives more extensive coverage for this period than IHJ 1174. It cites books, periodicals, leaflets, distinguishes which were banned, gives their tables of contents, summarizes their general message (in some more extensively than others), and gives you a fair idea about the usefulness of each item, with annotations to suggest the issues or controversy surrounding particular publications. Contains separate indexes for authors and journal/newspaper articles. Remarkable is the list of journals in the back of the book that, while uneven, often gives the background and history of socialist journals, and also includes the tables of contents and authors appearing in each issue, apparently from the first to the last date of publication. Indisdpensable resource for one in search of primary material. These materials should be held at Hosei University's Ohara Shakaishugi Mondai Kenkyûjo.
Contains 17,000 titles and 8,500 headings including authors, titles, series headings. In addition to secondary literature, this index catalogues a number of surveys and primary materials, about buraku population censuses, opinion polls, etc. Includes pre- and postwar titles compiled from organizations sympathetic to the burakumin cause, such as the Suihei, the buraku federation, and communist organizations, and other modern pioneers of this subject.
This appears to be "the" dictionary on buraku and related topics and concepts (e.g., "scapegoat," etc.) Entries are clearly written, complete and are signed with bibliographies and references. Also includes appendices of various statistics, a detailed buraku chronology, and index.
A "who's who" and "who was who" of 1,500 people who were active in labor and various social movements in Japan up until the end of WWII. Includes titles of significant works by individuals, and has a names index that covers less major figures appearing in the text but who do not have their own headings.
The comprehensive annual source of statistics and a wide range of information about Japanese economy and life, relations, organization and mvt unions and politics, labor and social policies, domestic and international. Has chronologies and index listing of labor unions, with addresses and telephone numbers. Entries consist of short summaries and articles describing trends and events in each area, often with bibliographical references. Each edition treats the previous year's topics. The older and prewar editions are of particular interest, and are stored in the basement of Lehman library.
Detailed chronology of social movements in Japan, from 1858-1985. 3,500
entries provide brief explanations and identifications. Lists sources for
each entry, which are denoted by a numerical code after the entry. The
table for these codes may be found in volume 4. Vol. 4 is index which directs
you to the correct date in the chronology, and also includes an appendix
of abbreviations for labor organizations (listed by correct name with abbreviation
Nihon joseishi kenkyû bunken mokuroku. Joseishi Sôgô
Kenkyûkai. Tokyo Daigaku Shuppankai, 1983.
Call no.: REF Z7964 .J3 N65
IHJ: 1195
Compiled by the authors of the five-volume set, Nihon josei shi, this bibliography lists books and journal articles on the history of women published from the Meiji period up to 1981. The listings are divided into six chapters (general history, ancient, medieval, pre-modern, modern, and folklore), and each section is further divided by subject. The second part of this work is a bibliographic essay which provides a good overview of the field. A subject and author index is included.
This bibliography of basic works on women in Japan includes 1,366 titles. The book is divided by subject with a useful bibliographic essay at the beginning of each section. Since this work focuses on "women studies" not "women's history," it lists a broad range of inter-disciplinary topics. There are indexes by title, author and subject.
This dictionary contains 7,000 entries and is the most comprehensive and up-to-date source for obtaining biographical information on Japanese women. In addition to real women, it includes women of mythology and legends from ancient to contemporary times. Entries include women cited in sources like the Kojiki and Nihon shoki up through women who died before March 1993. The names are taken from dictionaries, newspapers, and magazines, literature and other documents. Sources accompany the entries. There is also a complete list of sources in the back of the dictionary (useful for women's studies research). It has a gojuon index of names (with pen names) and the entries themselves are in gojuon order. The dictionary replaces the Dai Nihon josei jinmei jisho, the first dictionary of Japanese women compiled by historian Takamure Itsue in 1936, which contained 2,000 entries of Japanese mythical and real women who died by the 1930s.
This dictionary should be used by anyone who encounters Japanese women in his or her work, whether the field is history, literature, art, religion, or politics. [BK]
A Nichigai compilation of articles related to women (and the household and lifestyle in general). Subjects covered are rather broad and unfortunately, the subject index is correspondingly broad. [The library does not have the following edition covering Shôwa 50 nen--Shôwa 59].
This yearly publication provides a wide and varying selection of statistics and essays on the condition of women in Japan. The work attempts to reveal the current status of women with the aim of promoting change.
Divided topically, this work consists primarily of statistics on women for the period 1945-1975. In the end the work has a useful chronological table for women's issues from Meiji to the present. Also helpful is a listing of included charts and further reference sources.
Limited reference work organized by topic including an index listing 1,800 words. Also contains a helpful list of addresses of women's/feminist organizations in Japan.
This ten-volume compilation of materials on women's issues includes many valuable historical pieces, and most importantly, a bibliography at the end of each volume. The collection is organized by subject. Volume 10 is the most basic and comprehensive chronological table for modern women's history. Each entry in the chronology includes a reference source for further information. A subject index for the chronology appears at the end.
This compact and narrowly focused chronology outlines women's movements
in Japan from 1868 to 1959. Important entries are detailed on the right
side of the page; the explanations, however, are of limited and uneven
quality. The work includes an index of entries.
Meiji Taishô fûzoku jiten. Tsuchida Mitsufumi. Kadokawa
Sensho, 1979.
Call no: 380.3 T79
Organized into general topics such as food and drink, buildings, lights, men and women, leisure, health and medicine. Each section defines important terms and gives specific references as to where and when terms first appeared. Useful for basic info on specific topics or expressions.
Primarily Edo and Meiji oriented, but includes some earlier materials. The author gained his knowledge as a consultant on historical authenticity for movie companies. The table of contents is randomly organized, so the index at the back is the best way to look things up. Covers a lot of interesting topics.
Organized by broad topics like village and community, life course, women's lifestyles, mountain work, field work, etc. These topics are further divided into individual entries on specific expressions. Includes very useful bibliographies, and lists of museum collections by topic, as wells as national and municipal collections of minzoku and fûzoku materials by city and prefecture.
A very useful multi-authored one-volume encyclopedia of Japanese ethnography, with basic information on a wide variety of topics about life and customs. Organized not as a dictionary, but as a continuous text, with a good index. Individual authors are indicated for the different sections.
Bunka jinruigaku kenkyû bunken yôran 1945-1974 [Sengo-hen].
Nichigai Associates, 1979.
Call no.: REF Z5111 .S26
IHJ: 1222
Classified bibliography of 11,240 Japanese publications, including 2300 books and 8700 articles, on subjects in cultural anthropology. Author and subject indexes. Categories are fairly conventional, like those in the Nichigai-published Zasshi bunken mokuroku. Works in collections are not listed separately, and there is no index for titles or categories other than the few standard ones used, so it's not terribly user-friendly. Still, useful to have all cultural anthropology (which appears to include not a small amount of minzokugaku) in one bibliography.
Nihon minzokugaku zenshû. 8 vols. Okamoto Rikijin [r?].
Akane Shobô, 1960.
Call no: 380.21F953
The eight volumes cover: ethnography; myths and legends; folk tales; proverbs; beliefs and superstitions; customs and daily life; annual events; children and coming of age ceremonies. Each volume is written by a separate author.
The first two volumes deal with the historiography of the ethnographic traditions of the West and of Japan. The other volumes take up specific topics like dialects, festivals, surveys done by scholars, etc. Each volume also includes several biographical essays on famous scholars of ethnography.
Each volume treats a topic like words, fudoki, castle town, boats, horses, etc. Organized by heading and subheading, but no index. Each subheading is a two to three page essay on a specific topic.
Nihon fûzokushi. Ema Tsutomu. Nihon bungakusha kokushi
kôza kankôkai, 1933.
Call no: 380.21 Em1
Cover historical eras from ancient to the Muromachi, written by one of the most prominent fûzoku scholars of the 20th century. He writes a general essay about the social structure of each period, and then addresses all the standard fûzoku topics for each.
The collected materials include city ordinances (both written and illustrated), pro- and con-fûzoku kairyo essays (the con position taken up by Sada Kaiseki), "surveys" of fûzoku by Meiji scholars, essays calling for the adoption of Western hairstyles and clothing, as well as selections on sex and sexuality. The geppô has two essays dealing with photographs and newspapers as sources for research into fûzoku.
Nihon fûzokushi kô. Wakamori Taro. Ushio Shuppansha,
1971. Call no: 380.21 W1325
The author addresses the relationships between minzokugaku and fûzokugaku,
their objects of study and their methodologies. For specific topics he
takes up Edo fûzoku, contemporary festivals, and food throughout
Japanese history.
Gathers together in one place and summarizes a lot of the scholarship on Heian fûzoku. Relates topics directly to passages from Genji.
Meiji Taishô fûshi manga to sesô fûzoku nenpyô.
Iwasaka Taro and Shimizu Isao. Jiyû kokuminsha, 1983.
Call no: DS833.Y83
The manga are nicely reproduced, and the nenpyô entries have some interesting information.
Library has 18 volumes. Each devoted to particular subject such as fishing,
festivals, clothing, food, crafts, toys, geisha, etc. Consists primarily
of detailed drawings of objects.
Although specialized bibliographies exist for economics and economic history, it is important to remember that the major general bibliographies also devote substantial sections to these topics. Especially important are Zasshi kiji sakuin and Kokuritsu kokkai toshokan zôsho mokuroku (see under General Bibliographies section). Unfortunately, there are serious gaps in Columbia's holdings of the key economics bibliographies:
This is the most comprehensive bibliography of Japanese-language articles appearing during the years since 1981. Each annual edition comes in three volumes (note different call numbers for each volume). Volumes cover different aspects by subject: Vol. 1: Economics, finance; Vol. 2: Industry, technology; Vol. 3: Management, labor. It includes Japanese language articles on all regions of Japan and the world. Topically arranged with detailed subject index. Also includes a journal index with phone numbers of journals.
With Nichigai Associates' reputation for simply extracting from Zasshi kiji sakuin in mind, I checked to see if these volumes contain more information than the Zasshi kiji sakuin. The coverage of the Nichigai publication seems much more extensive. For example, the topic "regional banks" (chihô ginkô) contains 7 pages in Nichigai for the period 1981-1983, against half a page in Zasshi kiji sakuin for the period 1980-1984.
The problem with this publication is that Columbia only has two years. Since the publication is supposedly cumulative, each edition should supercede that of the previous year. But the Starr library only has 1983 and 1984, for a total of only 3 years' coverage. Recent editions have been requested.
A standard bibliography listing around 5,000 articles and monographs per issue. Includes Japanese, Western, Chinese and Russian articles, but only Japanese-language monographs. Contains author index. In English and Japanese. Topically arranged with such useful headings as history of Economic Thought, Economic History, etc. The problem with this bibliography is that it includes articles in several languages. The Japanese language material is actually quite limited, comprising only a small section of each edition. However, this remains the best source for articles published before 1981, and for books on economics. Publication ceased in 1988, but the publishers have promised it will resume in future.
An annotated list of economics reference books. Contains 383 titles published from Meiji to 1970. Classified with index. Entries include indivdual economists (Marx, Engels, etc.), general economics, magazines, study guides, handbooks, dictionaries, etc. A slim volume which obviously contains quite limited offerings. Its most useful aspects are its focus on reference works, and its coverage of Meiji and Taisho books. Major drawback is its date --economics reference works tend to age quite quickly.
K.B.S. Bibliography of Standard Reference Books for Japanese Studies,
With Descriptive Notes, Vol. 10: Economics. In 2 vols. Kokusai bunka
shinkokai. University of Tokyo Press, 1969.
Call No.: REF Z 3306.K794
A partly annotated bibliography of 963 Japanese serials, periodicals and monographs. Arranged by subject. Author index. This is part of the extensive KBS bibliography series. Like the Keizaigaku niji bunken sômokuroku, this bibliography is useful for its focus on reference works. Another useful advantage is that its listings and annotations are in English--although the annotations are quite limited. The major problem, once again, is the date of publication.
The most up-to-date bibliography of Japanese economic history. Includes books and articles published during the previous year. Includes Japanese and Western publications. Classified with title index. Although much space is devoted to Asia (tôyô) and the West, more than half of each volume is devoted to Japanese publications. Annotations are very basic--a line or two--and often extracted from the hashigaki. No cumulative index to this point.
The most comprehensive bibliograhy of Japanese economic history, covering both books and articles published from 1868 to 1972. The seven volumes are arrange in chronological order, with volume 1 covering 1868-1931, and the following volumes narrower spans. Each volume contains a detailed subject index. There is also a title index (excluding journal articles). Entries include brief annotations. There is also an unannotated bibliography of local history.
Unfortunately, the majority of good work on Japanese economic history has appeared since 1972, the limit of this bibliorgraphy.
Once again, it is important to remember the general statistical works covered elsewhere in this book. Particularly important are the Nihon chôki tôkei sôran and the Nihon Teikoku tôkei nenkan. The postwar version of the latter is the Nihon tôkei nenkan (call no. HA 1832.D32), which covers a wide variety of statistics including economic statistics. The following are more specialized economic sources.
An annotated union catalog of statistics of the period 1868-1884. This is more a bibliography than a statistical work; but it does include some statistical tables. Classified with index. A highly specialized series covering only a very short period of Japanese history--probably essential reading for those specializing in this period.
Note that Vol. 1 is actually 3 volumes, so the entire set is theoretically 3, but actually 5 volumes. For unknown reasons, only vol.2 is listed in CLIO: but the Starr library has the complete set.
Contains 170 statistical tables on money and banking, public finance, foreign trade and foreign exchange, balance of international payments, industry, labor, population, prices, national income, etc. The tables are in English and Japanese for postwar. Up to 1966, the series was called Honpô keizai tôkei. For monthly statistics, see also Bank of Japan's Economic Statistics Monthly.
A spot check revealed siginifant gaps compared to the CLIO listing. For example, after 1986 only 1989 was on the shelf.
Includes 280 statistical tables of primary economic indicators, land, resources, population, national accounts, finance, industry, international balance of payments, foreign trade, prices, labor, national life, economic plans, and comparison of foreign economies.
Statistics of public finance. Includes budget, treasury investments,
taxes, national bonds, local finances. See also compilations for periods
before 1962:
Zaisei keizai tôkei nenpô (1948)
covers 1926-1948
Zaimu keizai yôran tôkei-hen
(1950) covers 1950
Zaisei keizai tôkei yôran (1951-1963,
24 vols.) covers 1951-63.
Includes primary statistics, reprints of important documents, chronology, bibliography, and lists of cabinet members. Divided into periods of 10-20 years. Designed for students. A very helpful reference work.
A useful summary work in English. Includes statistics on 9 countries including Japan. 23 pages on Japan include statictical compilations from a variety of sources. Most tables cover the entire period 1885-1987, though statistics within each table may be from several sources. A specialist in Japanese statistics would probably quibble with the accuracy of much of the data. But the section on Japan can readily be photocopied for a handy and impressive reference source for papers, presentations etc.
Annotated chronology from Edo period to 1967. This volume could not be found in Starr library at the time of search.
Taikei keizaigaku jiten. Toyo keizai shinpôsha, 1984. 6th
Call no.: REF HB 61.T34 1984
The most up-to-date of the larger dictionaries. Entries include translations into appropriate Western languages (presumably depending on the origins of the term or concept), and there is a Western-language index in addition to the Japanese one. The dictionary can therefore be used for Japanese-English or English Japanese reference. The main difference between this and the other large dictionaries is that this work is arranged by topic, NOT by gojûon. This makes it very useful for browsing in a given area, such as economic history. Topics include finance, labor, economics, and economic history. Since there is 50-on index to all entries, particular words can in fact be readily located. The dictionary (really more an encyclopedia) also contains a couple of useful end-sections: a bibliographic chronology of major economic works, from 1468-1983 (96p.), and a topical bibliography that includes primary research sources. All entries are signed.
Very similar in format to other dictionaries. Like the majority, the entries are arranged by 50-on. Most entries that originated abroad are given in Japanese, English, American, French and Russian. An advantage of this work is that bibliographic references, sometimes extensive, are included within each article.
13,600 entries. Focuses on international and current aspects. Index in Western languages. Very similar format to the Iwanami. However, the unique feature of this work is that it contains a series of two-page spreads (about 100 in all) on current topics in economics--for example, Eurodollars.
Defines new and basic economic terms. Since this dictionary appears annually, it contains all of the latest jargon. Since most of this is international, it can readily be found elsewhere. But it does provide the Japanese terms. Examples in the 1993 edition are "saiseishi" (recycled paper) and "Exon-Florio jôkô." The dictionary also includes brief articles on current economic conditions, and a useful statistical summary (drawn from Nikkei's NEEDS database) from 1966-1991.
Daiyamondo kaisha yôran zen jôjô kaishaban.
Daiyamondosha, 1950-present. Biannual.
Call no.: HG 4245.Z5 D3
Library has: 1956, 1958, 1960 (Note: shelved in annex under 676.9/D14);
Includes companies listed on Japanese stock exchanges. Include financial information, analysis, number of employees, etc.
Includes smaller companies (capital over $50 million), as well as foreign and media companies.
Includes all companies listed on Japanese stock exchanges. Includes financial data.
Includes unlisted Japanese companies.
Kaishashi sôgô mokuroku. Nihon keieishi kenkyûjo,
Call no.: Z 7156.J3 K25 1986
This a union list of company histories from the Meiji period, in 43 libraries. It lists 6,127 company histories and 783 histories of economic organizations. It covers the holdings of 43 libraries around Japan denoted by abbreviations which are decoded on the inside cover.
Daiyamondo kaisha shokuinroku: zen jôjô kaishaban.
Daiyamondosha, 1935-present. Annual. Call no.: HC 461.D3
Library has: Vol.1-2 1986
Lists managers of companies listed on Japanese stock exchanges. Includes
year of birth, education, addresses. (Not found on shelf during search).
** Uyehara, Cecil H. Checklist of Archives in the Japanese Ministry
of Foreign Affairs, Tokyo, Japan, 1868-1945. Washington: Library of
Congress Photoduplication service, 1954.
Call no: CD 2175 .U9 c.1
This seems an extremely useful listing of over 2 million pages of archival materials from the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs which were microfilmed for the Library of Congress during the occupation (between 1949 and 1951) Includes "dispatches to and from Japanese Foreign Service officials and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, staff studies prepared by members of the Ministry for confidential desk use, and several other types of documents on Japanese foreign relations." Listings are annotated including subject and number of pages, and are arranged by type of document and chronologically. A major strong point: Includes a 96-page "General Analytical Index" at the rear, which lists documents by subject and title, of a thoroughness rare among bibliographies. Would seem an essential listing for anyone interested in the activities, plans, and ideas of the Gaimushô in this period.
To order material listed therein: Write to the L.O.C. photo-duplication department, citing the wheel and # from the desired records, and they will respond with the price for the service; you must prepay.
This guide covers works (both Japanese and Western) on Japan's foreign policy, and as such focuses on relations with countries at least nominally independent from Japan. Though it does not deal directly, therefore, with Japan's colonies as such, it seems a useful source for the study of Japanese "informal colonialism," as in the case of China. The first section (roughly the first two-thirds) of the book consists of a series of historiographical essays on Japan's relations with various countries, including China. These include book titles, both in the text and at the rear (often exclusive of each other), arranged conveniently by subject or by historiographical focus or argument. The second section consists of two lengthy bibliographies, one of "standard works" on the field and one of "recent works" (recent as of 1974). These bibliographies are arranged alphabetically by author name, necessitating a long search to identify works in a given subject area.
Hanabusa Nagamichi, et. al. Nihon gaikôshi kankei bunken mokuroku.
Keio gijuku daigaku hôfaku kenkyûkai, 1968
Call no.: Z3308.R4 N532 1968
IHJ: 78
The above two are both basic bibliographies for study of the history of Japan's foreign relations in general, but neither was available for review at this time.
Scant on history (the history section is only 31 pp.) but long on bibliography, this almost unbelievably thorough study lists over 6,000 titles published under SMRC auspices between 1907 and 1945, on a wide range of subjects. Titles are arranged alphabetically by title within subject areas, and listings include brief (one- or two-sentence) descriptions of contents as well as library locations in the U.S. and Japan. Locations stateside include Columbia University, the Library of Congress, and 8 other university libraries around the US. A must for anyone interested in doing serious primary research on Manchuria.
An annotated listing of the holdings of the Library of Congress on Manchuria up dating up to 1950. Includes sections on General Indexes & Bibliographies, Environment, Political History and Government, Economics, and Social Conditions, in all languages (including Chinese, Russian, Dutch, English, Japanese, etc.), with library of Congress call numbers. Young incorporated this in his later compilation (see above), so this is only useful if you are journeying specifically to the L.O.C.
A very useful source for basic Western-language scholarly works on Korea, with a 10-page annotated section of works on the Japanese Colonial Period (pp. 103-113). Includes sections on politics and society, Korean nationalism, The March 1st Movement, communism, economy, society, Koreans in Japan, religion, education, international relations, and biographies.
An annotated listing of books in Western languages dealing with Korea located at 9 major libaries in Tokyo. Section of works dealing with history of colonial period is rather brief, but at least the locations of the books in Japan are given. Listings are by subject, with an author list in the rear.
A useful if slightly limited bibliography of scholarly works on Japan in Southeast Asia, in both European and Japanese languages, (Japanese works listed in romaji). Includes both articles and books. Contents arranged by Southeast Asia generally and by country, and then by subject for each. Author index in the rear. Includes a list of universities and research institutions in Japan devoted to the study of Asia.
** Ajia keizai kenkyûjo. Kyû shokuminchi kankei kikan
kangyô butsu sômokuroku. 4 vols, one index vol (Sakuinhen).
Ajia keizai kenkyûjo, 1975.
Call no: REF Z 3305 .K97 1975, except for index (call no. Z 7165 .C62
M34 1981), which is not in reference.
Vol. 1: Taiwan hen; Vol. 2: Chôsen hen; Vol. 3: Manshûkoku/Kantôshû
hen; Vol. 4: Mantetsu hen; Sakuinhen: Manshûkoku/kantôshû/minami
manshû kabushiki kaisha.
A series of listings of documents and source materials of the various Japanese colonial possessions, divided into sections on colonial government documents, bank documents, local periodicals, statistics, etc. Listings under these headings by subject/department of origin. Index by title included in the rear. Locations of materials are also supplied. Volume 4 includes both Japanese and American collections (The American Institutions listed are: Stanford, Columbia, UC Berkeley, Library of Congress, and Harvard). The Sakuinhen includes separate indexes by author and title for volumes 3 and 4 of the set. Extremely valuable, though difficult to decipher due to lack of annotation regarding document contents.
A listing of scholarly books and magazine articles dealing with Japan's relations with China and Korea, published between 1868 and 1972. Lists author, title, publisher, and date of publication. A big drawback: Works are listed by author's name only, thus necessitating prior knowledge for any search, unless you are prepared to go through page-by-page. Had the works been listed by title, this publication would merit a star. Still, may be useful with knowledge of author's name, and contains many hard-to-find journal articles.
This is a two-volume bibliography of contemporary works on Korea which appeared between 1868 and 1945, assembled from five basic sources, including the Diet Library catalogue of sources on Korea of 1966, the Korean Governor-General's Administration library catalogue of 1938, and the Tokyo University Tôyô bunka kenkyûjo catalogue of 1969. Volume One consists of discreet books and monographs, while the second consists of essays and articles. Listings alphabetical by subject, with subject list at the front, and author/editor list in the rear. Originally published in 1972. A minus: Does not contain book locations. Very useful to get an idea of what's out there in terms of contemporary shiryô, but not necessarily to locate it.
A listing of the various holdings of the National Diet Library regarding Korea. Listings alphabetical by subject with subject list in front, and by separate title and author lists in the rear. Includes many sources in Korean language. Useful in that the location of the books is known, but of course a much smaller list than that found in Suematsu above.
A monthly periodical containing articles on Korean history in Japanese language. Includes periodical issues focusing on Japan-Korea relations. A plus: Each issue includes summaries in English of that month's contents at the rear.
** Manchuria Daily News Company. Manchuria.
Call no: D889.63M31-M316-
Library has: Most issues between July, 1936 and December, 1941.
Manchuria was a bi-monthly variety newsmagazine published in English by the Manchuria Daily newspaper, including news highlights, society and culture, advertising, etc. Illustrated. This seems the most interesting and stimulating of our English-language periodicals from Manchuria in this period, in terms of "slice-of-life" views of Manchuria, Japanese style.
Facts, statistics, and information about Manchuria designed with prospective investors in mind. Sections include: Geography, History, Administration, Judicial Administration, Military Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Finance, Agriculture, Forestry, Aquatic Products Industry, Mining, Industry in General, Transport and Communications, Business Organization, Foreign Trade, Currencies and Banking Institutions, Foreign Investment, Labour and Immigration, Education and Religion, Medicine and Sanitation, and Social Welfare Institutions. Extensive coverage, particularly on the economic side.
English-language magazine designed to attract Western investment in Manchuria by touting its advantages. Includes maps and statistics. The emphasis is on economic devel-opment and the development of infrastructure for this purpose.
Series of publications, each focusing on a different subject (State Structure, History, Culture, etc.), printed in 1940. Pamphlets contain mostly simple essays on various topics within the given subject area.
Similar to other SMRC publications, with a focus on economic and infrastructural development in Manchuria, and designed to attract foreign investment.
Texts of treaties, ultimata, and agreements concerning Manchuria issued by the various imperial powers to or with China between 1894 and 1920. Includes, for example, the full text of the 21 demands in both the Japanese Government's and Chinese Government's English-language versions.
English translations of various documents relating to Manchurian administration and foreign relations during this period, along with articles and statistical information.
An description of the structure, objectives, programs, and conditions of the education system under the Japanese. Includes separate sections on "Education of Koreans" and "Education of Japanese in Chosen", and a lengthy appendix containing memoranda, rules, regulations, and instructions regarding schools and education.
An introduction to Taiwan from the colonial government point of view. Includes sections on political history, administration, religion and education, sanitation and hygiene, and social work. Includes a color map.
Nan'yô keizai kenkyûjo. Nanyô shiryô. Nan'yô keizai kenkyûjo shuppanbu, 1942-45 Call no: 330.223 .N15
A series of pamphlets on a variety of topics relating to South and Southeast Asia, including statistics, economic development, history, culture, etc. Interesting for a glimpse of private-sector intelligentsia thought on the development of Greater East Asia.
A slim, one-volume summary and analysis of basic economic statistics of Japan's various colonial possessions for the years 1895-1938. Useful to check figures and basic information.
An extremely important primary source for any research on life and developments in Manchuria. The lack of any index drops it to a one-star ranking, however. Note: Name of newspaper changes to Manshû nippô between 1927 and 1935; then changes back to Manshû nichinichi shinbun.
An immense series of facsimile reprints various documents, studies, reports, and publications, both public and secret, dealing with various aspects of Manchurian immigration and development between 1931 and 1945. Includes for example, top- secret reports by the Manchurian Railroad Company's Research Section concerning conditions and outlook for immigration to Manchuria between 1931 and 1945. Maps, statistics, charts, photos, and documents. Volumes are grouped in seven different sets, according to the subject and/or origin of the documents. Final volume includes a kaisetsu.
A selection of secret company documents which are said to describe the daily life and mentality of the colonialists who worked for the SMRC. Useful for "behind-the-scenes"-type research.
A selection of reprinted articles from the independent Korean newspapers Chôsen nippô and Tôa nippô, ranging between the years 1920 and 1937, which were suppressed by the colonial government. The articles are arranged by year, with a list of article titles at the front; there is no index provided. One's only option is to search across these titles.
Contains facsimile reprints of internal police and justice department documents of the Colonial regime pertaining to suppression and control of Korean society, between 1926 and 1930.
Government, media, and other documents concerning the Korean Independence Movement of 1919.
This daily newspaper is potentially an extremely important source for daily life and developments in Taiwan under Japanese rule. A big minus: No index.
A collection of facsimile reprints of various documents from the colonial
period, principally concerning government policies of social control and
suppression, and the indigenous socialist movement.
Nihon minzokugaku bunken sômokuroku. Kôbundô,
Call no.: REF Z5984 .J3 N53 1980
IHJ: 1221
A bibliography of Japanese folklore studies from Meiji period to 1975, divided into 10 sections by general topic. Within each section, works are listed in gojûon order by author's name. The final minzokushi section lists local chronicles by prefecture. A substantial compendium, but without topical index, so the researcher is forced to comb through the long topical sections to find works relevant to a particular subject.
A dictionary of festivals and annual observances primarily in contemporary Japan. Entries in gojûon order. Each is given a basic explanation and historical background (no references given, also no cross-referenced regional listings, so one must start with the correct name of the festival or annual observance). For some reason, Easter (Fukkatsusai) and Christmas are included...Also included are a directory of contacts (telephone and address) for each local festival in Japan, calendars of commemorative days, and a national guide to local museums.
Compiled under the supervision of the Bunkachô bunkazai hogobu. An encyclopedia of folk culture material and practices, initially designed to catalogue such as warranted protection by the national government as tangible or intangible cultural properties. Entries are wide-ranging however, and fairly detailed (20 lines to a couple of pages). Contents are classified by subject. There is also an index of entries in the back.
Four volumes. Edited by the Nihon minzoku gakkai. A dictionary of Japanese folklore, in gojûon order. This work was, in a sense, the Minzoku gakkai's magnum opus; begun immediately after the war, the project endeavored to incorporate all of the work in Japanese folklore to the time of publication. Translation into English was also planned, but never accomplished [doesn't exist, right?]. Detailed, signed articles include bibliographic references. Yet the attempt at comprehensiveness appears somewhat over-reaching; many of the articles are on phenomena not specifically Japanese or folkloric, like "public opinion," "contracts," "pictures." This makes it something of a grab-bag. But sice just about everyone in Japanese folklore studies at the time participated in its writing, it remains an important work, although now thirty years old. Pictures are small but legible. General index in the back of volume 4 includes topics not given headings of their own.
A compilation of the tables of contents of over two hundred periodicals relating to Japanese folklore studies, including some major journals of regional history, of cultural anthropology and of the history of manners and customs (fûzokushi). Goes up to the end of 1976. Many of these are not included in the Zasshi kiji sakuin. Scholarly articles are the focus, and book reviews have been excluded. There is an authors' index in the back. Would be a good place to check for the work of a particular author in the field, but without subject reference, use is severely circumscribed.