Iuliana Ionita-Laza

Department of Biostatistics, Columbia University

Irina Hannah


I am a professor in the Department of Biostatistics at Columbia University and a visiting professor in the Department of Statistics at Lund University in Sweden. During AY 2023-2024 I visited the Department of Biostatistics at Université Paris-Saclay and Institut Pasteur.

My main research interests lie at the interface between statistics and genomics. I am particularly interested in developing statistical and machine learning methods for the analysis of high-dimensional genetic and functional genomics data. I am also involved in applications of such methods to understand the genetic basis of complex diseases and traits, including autism spectrum disorders, schizophrenia and Alzheimer's disease. I am co-director of Career MODE, an NIH funded mentoring program for early career biomedical scientists. I also lead the Genomics@Columbia Program, an initiative to bring together an interdisciplinary group of people from multiple departments across Columbia University with diverse research expertise in statistical/computational genomics and other omics, computational biology, biomedical informatics, and interested in understanding biology and human health.

I organize a monthly genomics seminar: 2024-2025.

In November 2024, I organized a workshop at La Fondation des Treilles on "Causality in Genetics" (image).

Selected papers

Funding (as PI/MPI)

Some professional activities

- Workshops organized: La Fondation des Treilles (France, 2024), Symposium on Advances in Genomics, Epidemiology and Statistics (Penn, 2015-2019), BIRS workshop on deep learning methods in genomics (Canada, 2022), BIRS workshop on genomics and microbiome (Canada, February 2019), Oberwolfach Workshop in Statistical Genomics (Germany, 2015).