The change in this respect since the time when only a certain amount of cabin space was provided is something akin to a transformation. The worry and bother of attending to the fitting up, as well as the extra expenditure of time and money, are now avoided, and with very little need for previous provision or preparation, the intending voyager nowadays can step aboard ship and find his cabin carpeted and curtained and fitted up with almost all the accessories and appointments of a bedroom in a hotel.
An inspection of the Rodney will convince the most fastidious that the entire question of passenger comfort has been thought out fully and amply. The Rodney is an iron clipper of beautiful model and is what is termed a 1500-ton ship. She has been constructed specially with a view to the conveyance of passengers, and their are few sailing ships coming to the colony which have such a spacious saloon. It measures 80 feet in length and has berthing accommodation for 60 people. No cost has been spared in the decoration and embellishments, and yet these have not been promoted at the expense of solid and material comfort.
The cabins are 10 feet square, and a number of sleeping berths can be drawn out as to accommodate two people. For each cabin there is a fixed lavatory, supplied with fresh water from a patent tap, and by removal of a small plug in the center of the basin, the water runs away right into the sea, so that all slopping is avoided. The lavatory is fixed on top of a cupboard, which answers all the purposes of a little chiffoniere, being fitted up for the reception of bottles, glasses, brushes, etc.
There is also a chest of drawers in each cabin--a very great convenience--in which may be kept clothes, books, linen, and many "unconsidered trifles," which generally go knocking about in ships' cabins at sea.
The windows in the cabins are large, admitting plenty of light and air, and the passengers have easy control over them. The ventilation, in fact, is all that could be desired. Good-sized looking-glasses and handy little racks for water-bottles, tumblers, combs, brushes, etc., also abound, and in little matters the comfort of the passengers has been well cared for.
The cabins are also so arranged that two or more or even the whole of them on one side of the ship afford communication to each other without going out into the saloon, and where families are together this is very advantageous.
The bathroom occupies the space of one of the largest cabins, and hot as well as cold bathes are attainable.
The saloon is lighted by two large skylights, one of them being 21 feet in length. They are emblazoned with very pretty views of Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, and Capetown, these being the principle ports to which Messrs. Devitt & Moore's vessels trade. There is also a piano in the saloon by which the tedium of the voyage might be enlivened, and the tables are so constructed that they can be easily unshipped and the saloon cleared for dancing.
For the gentlemen there is a capital smoking-room at the top of the companion leading from the saloon to the deck.
The accommodation in the 'tween for second cabin and steerage passengers is everything that could be desired, and there is quite an elaborate system adopted for ventilation.
Cooking in the galley for 500 people, and there is a steam condenser, which can distill 500 gallons of water daily.
The passengers of all classes who came of this ship on her maiden voyage here expressed themselves wonderfully well pleased with the ship and her commander, Captain A Louttit, who has had great experience in the passenger trade.