Sample Work

Data Visualization and Analysis Samples

US Open Men's Tennis data from 2003
to 2013 customizable by continent/region or type of graph.

New York City Restaurant Map that is customizable by cuisine type. Provides average price, rating ( API) and inspection grade (NYC Open Data) information by zipcode area.

Presidential reelection year news release lexicon based sentiment analysis on positive, negative, strong and weak words.

New York City Restaurant density map created in ArcGIS by merging zip code area shape file with restaruant data in R

A vizualization of my facebook friends network using facebook API, R and
Gephi. Node sizes are based on degree
centrality and grouped by modularity

Spatial regression analysis of sample
Tokyo mortality data using GWR and ArcGIS

Network visualization of men's tennis matches at the US open between 2003
and 2013 using igraph package in R and world map plugin in Gephi. Node size is based on degree centrality calculated by number of games played by country

Visualization of 2013 business and consumer bankruptcy filing rates calculated from population size at the county level.

A program that outputs mouse coordinates and time stamp during the first 15 seconds of user interatcion for mock advertisement behavior measurement.