Lecture 10, Monday, October 8:    Calcium balance 



You should already know...

...how minerals are reabsorbed in the nephron.  Sherwood gives a very detailed chapter on this, so if you want a quick review, it's better to take a look at one of the introductory biology textbooks that are on reserve in the library (Purves, Campbell, Raven) and read the chapter on the urinary system.


Finish sexual differentiation of the brain
Function of calcium in the body
Calcium in different body compartments
Bone as a connective tissue



Calcium homeostasis:  5th ed: 733-735  4th ed: 700-702

Medical reference:
Exposing the perils of eating disorders
Osteoporosis from the Mayo Clinic.  See links there to men and osteoporosis
Osteoporosis prevention from the National Osteoporosis Foundation.

Test yourself:

Nuts and Bolts


     Lecture 11, Monday, October 13:  Calcium balance    




How bones grow in width and in length
Growth hormone effects on bone
Changes in skeletal system with age



Growth Hormone:  5th ed: 689-697  4th ed: 657-664
Bone structure: Fig 19-20, 19-21 

Other reading:
Can Growth Hormone Prevent Aging?

Test yourself:

Nuts and Bolts


     Lecture 12, Monday, October 15:  Calcium balance    



You should already know:

Terminology of signal transduction.  To review this, see Sherwood (5th edition)  Fig 3-8 & 3-9) or (4th edition) Fig 3-23 & 3-24.


Hormones that regulate bone growth and calcium balance

Parathyroid hormone
Vitamin D



PTH, Vitamin D, Calcitonin:  5th ed: 735-742  4th ed: 705-710
Skin: 5th ed: 449-451, 4th ed: 425-427 

Other reading:
Parathyroid hormone from Pathophysiology of the Endocrine System.  See also links there to calcitonin and vitamin D.
Vitamin D History, nutrition, chemistry, biochemistry, diseases 
Epidermis, with images of melanocyes from Martini's Anatomy & Physiology
, quick picture from Proctor & Gamble

Recent research:
Novel form of vitamin D shown to grow bone
Vitamin D deficiency emerges as new epidemic 

Unraveling the Enigma of Vtamin D (or as pdf file with pictures) from the National Academy of Science

Doctor Doolitle Meets the Pushmi-Pullyu.  While serving in World War I, Hugh Lofting began writing this story as letters home to his children, introducing the animal doctor, "... John Dolittle, M.D. "M.D." means that he was a proper doctor and knew a whole lot."

Medical reference:
Foods rich in calcium 

Test yourself:

Nuts and Bolts

Problem Set # 5   Problem Set # 5a