Jan. 21, 1999

For Psych W1001y The Science of Psychology.


(1) I am sorry, but if you were not here for Class 1, you may not stay in this course even if you had pre-registered with the registrar. (Attendance at the first two class periods is announced as mandatory for this course -- see official bulletins as well as information on the web.). Exceptions will be granted only if a serious emergency prevented you from attending the first class or you had pre-arranged your absence with me.

*** (2) If you were here for Class 1, and wish to stay in the class after today, you should turn in the "QUIZ 2 ANSWER AND SIGNED-AGREEMENT SHEET" today.

You must also come to class 3 and class 4 next week. (If you cannot come, you may send me an email instead explaining why not.)

(3) The only people definitely in this course at this point are those who both (i) attended the first and second classes, AND ALSO (ii) are on either the registrar's list OR on our list of 4 people to whom I have already guaranteed entry.

(4) I will be happy to talk with you further about possible courses you could take instead or this (or in addition to this) to fulfill your needs, e.g.Psych W1010 Mind, Brain, and Behavior, science courses in other departments, the laboratory in perception & attention(Psych W1480), social psychology (Psych W2630) , personality (psych W2610), cognition (psych W2220)) as well as courses in other departments. . Come to my office hours today until 5 p.m. or email me at nvg@psych.columbia.edu.



There is a minor inconsistency on the dates on the short syllabus at the bottom of handout #1. In the second and third lines, the date Feb. 2 should be Feb. 4. (The sixth class is on Feb. 4th).


So that there will not be misunderstandings later in the course, please read and sign the following agreement, or drop this course. (If a serious emergency arises, e.g. a serious illness, an exception will be made if you take responsible steps to counteract the emergency. If a serious condition is foreseeable ahead of time, you MUST talk to me about it as soon as you realize it.)

I am prepared to take the in-class exams at the announced times (Tues. March 9 and Thurs. April 29) and also to turn in the two written assignments at or before the announced times (Mon. March 15 and Wed., May 5). If I decide I am not prepared to do this, I will drop the class. If I stay in the class and yet do not do the work on time, I realize that I will not be allowed to take a make-up in-class exam, and that late written assignments will be graded dramatically lower. (Printer and computer problems will not be accepted as excuses so allow yourself plenty of time on the written assignments.)

Reminder: You should sign the copy that is on the answer-and-agreement sheet and turn it in. The copy here is just for your records.