Speakers for the Fall Semester 2008
September 9, 507 Math
Avi Wigderson (IAS)
Randomness extractors
September 16, 507 Math
Eli Berger (Haifa University)
On a conjecture of Linial and Berge
September 23, 507 Math
Ben McClosky (Columbia
Degree-bounded induced subgraphs
September 30, No seminar
October 7, 303 Mudd
Zeev Dvir (IAS)
The finite field Kakeya conjecture
October 14, 507 Math
Gil Kalai (Hebrew University
and Yale)
Noise Sensitivity of Boolean Functions and
October 21, 303 Mudd
Dan Cranston (DIMACS and
Bell Labs)
Colorings, Crossings, and Cliques
October 28, 507 Math
Jacob Fox (Princeton)
Large induced trees in K_r-free graphs
November 4 No seminar---election day
November 11, 303 Mudd
Bernard Ries (Columbia)
On blockers and transversals
November 18, 507 Math
Dan Bienstock (Columbia)
Recent results on lifted formulations for integer
November 25 No seminar---early Thanksgiving break
December 2, 622 Math , 4 pm Please note the unusual time and place!!!
Van Vu (Rutgers)
On Erdos conjecture on square-free sets
Past Talks
Spring 2008
Fall 2007
If you have any questions, or would like to be added to the seminar
mailing list,
please e-mail
[email protected]