Columbia Discrete Math Seminar

Day & Time Tuesday, 3-4
Location This semester the seminar will take place in 303 Mudd. Click on this link to see Mudd on the campus map.

Speakers for the Spring Semester 2010

January 25, 2:15 pm 317 Mudd !!Please note the unusual time, date and location!!
Harmen Bouma (The University of Groningen) Minimizing the Total Weighted Completion Time for Preemptive Equal-length Jobs on a Single Machine is Pseudo-Polynomially

January 26 303 Mudd Tony Wirth (The University of Melbourne) A Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme for k-Consensus Clustering

February 2, 303 Mudd Natalia Mosina (CUNY/LAGCC) Probability on graphs and groups with applications to group-based cryptanalysis

February 9, 303 Mudd Bill Cook (Georgia Tech) Computing the chromatic number of graph

February 16 303 Mudd Zeev Dvir (IAS) Monotone expanders - constructions and applications

February 23, No seminar

March 2, 303 Mudd Jan Hladky (University of Warwick) Limits of Cayley graphs

March 9, 303 Mudd Dan Kral (Charles University) Algorithmic metatheorems for sparse classes of combinatorial structures

March 16 No seminar---Spring Break

March 23, 303 Mudd Melvyn Nathanson (CUNY) Problems in geometric group theory and combinatorial number theory

March 30, 303 Mudd William Wu (Stanford) Graph-Theoretic Problems in Sampling and Compression

April 6, 303 Mudd Per Austrin (NYU) Randomly Supported Independence

April 13, 303 Mudd Roi Krakovsky (Ben Gurion University) Subdivision of K_5 in line graphs

April 20, 303 Mudd Irena Penev (Columbia) Bounding the chromatic number of Graphs that do not contain an induced subdivision of the bull

April 27, 303 Mudd Alexandra Kolla (IAS) Spectral Algorithms for Unique Games

Past Talks

Fall 2009

Spring 2009

Fall 2008

Spring 2008

Fall 2007

If you have any questions, or would like to be added to the seminar mailing list,
please e-mail [email protected]