Columbia Discrete Math Seminar

Day & Time Tuesday, 4-5 This semester the seminar will take place in 317 Mudd. Click on this link to see Mudd on the campus map.

Speakers for the Spring Semester 2011

January 25, 317 Mudd Joel Spencer (NYU) Discrete Percolation

February 1 317 Mudd Andrew King (Columbia) Existence and applications of independent transversals

February 8 317 Mudd Krzysztof Choromanski (Columbia) Upper bounds for Erdos-Hajnal coefficients of tournaments

February 15 317 Mudd Martin Golumbic (Haifa University and Columbia) Edge Intersection Graphs of Single Bend Paths in a Grid

February 22 317 Mudd Joshua Greene (Columbia) The flow lattice and 2-isomorphism of graphs

March 1 317 Mudd Jon Lee (IBM) Submodular-function maximization

March 8 317 Mudd Subhash Khot (NYU) A Two Prover One Round Game with Strong Soundness

March 15 No seminar---Spring Break

March 22 No seminar

March 29 317 Mudd Howard Karloff (AT & T Labs---Research) Disjoint-Path Facility Location: Theory and Practice

April 5 317 Mudd Zeljka Ljujic (CUNY) A Lower Bound for the Size of a Sum of Dilates

April 12 317 Mudd Cliff Stein (Columbia) Optimization Problems in Internet Advertising

April 19 317 Mudd No seminar

April 26 317 Mudd Daniele Catanzaro (Universite Libre de Bruxelles) The Balanced Minimum Evolution Problem

Past Talks

Fall 2010 , Spring 2010 , Fall 2009 , Spring 2009 , Fall 2008 , Spring 2008 , Fall 2007

If you have any questions, or would like to be added to the seminar mailing list,
please e-mail [email protected]