Speakers for the Spring Semester 2012
January 24 317 Mudd
Melvyn Nathanson (Lehman College and CUNY Graduate Center)
On the fractional parts of the roots of a real number
January 31 317 Mudd
Swastik Kopparty (Rutgers)
The Complexity of Powering in Finite Fields
February 7 317 Mudd
This talk will take place at 4:30. Please note the unusual time!
Assaf Naor (NYU)
Grothendieck's inequality and the propeller conjecture
February 14 317 Mudd
Wesley Pegden (NYU)
The fractal nature of the Abelian Sandpile
February 21 317 Mudd
Stavros Kolliopoulos (University of Athens and Columbia)
Planar Disjoint-Paths Completion
February 28 317 Mudd
Penev (Columbia)
Scott's Conjecture for Necklaces
March 6 317 Mudd
Redlich (Rutgers)
Logic, parity, and graph decompositions
March 13 317 Mudd
no seminar
March 20 317 Mudd
no seminar
March 27 317 Mudd
no seminar
April 3 317 Mudd
Vineet Goyal (Columbia)
Approximation Algorithms for Robust and Stochastic
Combinatorial Optimization Problems
April 10 317 Mudd
Van Vu (Yale)
On the singular probability of random Bernoulli matrices
April 17 317 Mudd
Benjamin Matschke (IAS)
On the diameter of polytopes
April 24 317 Mudd
Timothy DeVries (Haverford)
Counting by Climbing
Past Talks
Fall 2011 ,
Spring 2011 ,
Fall 2010 ,
Spring 2010 ,
Fall 2009 ,
Spring 2009 ,
Fall 2008 ,
Spring 2008 ,
Fall 2007
If you have any questions, or would like to be added to the seminar
mailing list,
please e-mail
[email protected]