Columbia Discrete Math Seminar

Day & Time Tuesday, 3-4 This semester the seminar will take place in 303 Mudd. Click on this link to see Mudd on the campus map.

Speakers for the Spring Semester 2013

January 29 Zeev Dvir (Princeton) Configurations of points with many collinear triples: going beyond Sylvester-Gallai

February 5 !!! CANCELED!!! Matthieu Plumettaz (Columbia) On the Erdos-Lovasz Tihany Conjecture for Claw-Free Graphs

February 12 !!! PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE DUE TO WEATHER!!! Matthieu Plumettaz (Columbia) On the Erdos-Lovasz Tihany Conjecture for Claw-Free Graphs

February 19 Hao Huang (IAS) On the conjectures of nonnegative k-sums and hypergraph matching

February 26 Gil Kalai (Heberew University and Yale) Geometric combinatorics, graphs and hypergraphs

March 5 Cynthia Vinzant (University of Michigan) The central curve of a linear program

March 12 Avi Wigderson (IAS) Population Recovery and Partial Identification

March 19 No seminar

March 28 !!!PLEASE NOTE THE UNSUAL DAY!!! Martin Loebl (Charles University, Prague) On the directed cycle double cover conjecture

April 2 No seminar

April 9 Cristina Dalfo (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya) Edge-Distance-Regular Graphs Are Distance-Regular

April 16 Ankur Moitra (IAS) An Information Complexity Approach to Extended Formulations

April 23 Stavros Kolliopoulos (Univeristy of Athens and Columbia) Integrality gaps for strengthened LP relaxations of Capacitated and Lower-Bounded Facility Location

April 30 Oded Regev (NYU) Almost independent sets in the Kneser graph and in graph powers are nearly independent

Past Talks

Fall 2012 , Spring 2012 , Fall 2011 , Spring 2011 , Fall 2010 , Spring 2010 , Fall 2009 , Spring 2009 , Fall 2008 , Spring 2008 , Fall 2007

If you have any questions, or would like to be added to the seminar mailing list,
please e-mail [email protected]