Papers of the Month - July 99

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    #1.	Gross CP, Anderson GF, Powe NR.  The relation between funding
    by the national institutes of health and the burden of disease.
    For a direct link to this paper, click here. 
    Comment by mdt:  Amazing!  The authors rank-ordered the 29 diseases
    or conditions that receive the most funding from NIH, with AIDS at
    the top (1.4 billion $ and 42 thousand deaths/yr, and peptic ulcer
    at the bottom (6 million $ and 6 thousand deaths/yr).  Would you 
    believe that aortic aneurysms, with about 25 thousand deaths/yr, 
    didn't even make the list of funded diseases?!  Yet, as a leading
    cause of death, aneurysms rank between 13th (cirrhosis) and 14th
    (perinatal conditions).  Cirrhosis gets 170 million dollars/year.
    Happily, and probably because so many people read Bill Maples' very
    fine aneurysm support page (see link on home page), the NIH has 
    finally put out a request for applications for aneurysm research.
    This announcement was a historic *first*, and decades overdue.
    #2.	Chew DKW, Knoetgen J3, Xia S, Gaetz HP, Tilson MD.  Regional
    distribution in human of a novel aortic collagen-associated
    microfibrillar protein.  For a direct link to this paper, click here. 
    Comment by mdt:  This paper describes the distribution in man of
    the first Artery-Specific Antigenic Protein (ASAP) discovered in
    human aorta in my lab (AAAP-40).  We believe that it may play an
    important role in aneurysmal degeneration of the aorta.  Incidentally,
    the work was done by Dr. David Chew when he did a research year in
    my lab between his 3rd and 4th years of training in General Surgery.
    He's graduated from year 5 now and departed for Harvard, for further
    training with Dr. Whittemore and associates at the Brigham.  Good
    going, David, and keep up the good work.  
    BTW, David is on the far right in the End of Year Lab Party picture,
    if I can just get the link to work right.