Gas Station Pollution

At gas stations, unburned hydrocarbons are chronically released to the environment. Adverse effects on public health are poorly understood. We perform laboratory experiments and modeling studies in order to identify and quantify relevant exposure pathways. We have also begun performing comprehensive risk and econometric analyses in order to assess the public health burden of the chronic hydrocarbon releases.


Jenni Shearston, Peggy Hsieh, Markus Hilpert


  1. Hsieh, P.Y., Shearston, J.A., and Hilpert, M. (2020). Benzene emissions from gas station clusters: a new framework for estimating lifetime cancer risk. Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering.

  2. Shearston, J.A., and Hilpert, M. Gasoline vapor emissions during vehicle refueling events in a vehicle fleet saturated with onboard refueling vapor recovery systems: Need for an exposure assessment (2020). Frontiers in Public Health.

  3. Hilpert, M., A.M. Rule, B. Adria-Mora, and T. Tiberi (2019). Vent pipe emissions from storage tanks at gas stations: Implications for setback distances. Science of the Total Environment 650: 2239-2250.

  4. Adria Mora, B., and M. Hilpert (2017). Differences in infiltration and evaporation of diesel and gasoline droplets spilled onto concrete pavement. Sustainability 9: 1271.

  5. Hilpert, M., A.M. Rule, K.E. Nachman, and J. Ni (2015). Comment on "Notice of Proposed Action, Amendment of Regulation .01, .01-1, .02, .03, .04, and .07 and adoption of new regulations .03-1 under COMAR 26.11.24 Vapor Recovery at Gasoline Dispensing Facilities." Submitted to the Maryland Department of the Environment on October 5, 2015.

  6. Hilpert, M., B. Adria-Mora, J. Ni, Ana Rule, and K.E. Nachman (2015). Hydrocarbon release during fuel storage and transfer at gas stations: environmental and health effects. Current Environmental Health Reports.

  7. Hilpert, M., and P.N. Breysse (2014). Infiltration and evaporation of small hydrocarbon spills at gas stations. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. DOI: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2014.08.004.