Department of Ecology, Evolution & Environmental Biology




Research Projects



Prospective Students





Impacts of landscape configuration on plant recruitment in Amazonia



Emilio Bruna, University of Florida

John Kress, Smithsonian Institution

Marina Anciães, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Amazônicas

Marina Côrtes, University of São Paulo, Rio Claro



The diversity, composition, and dynamics of vegetation during succession are highly dependent on relationships with frugivorous animals. Birds are among the principal animal dispersal agents of tropical forest plant species. We are working on the Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project (BDFFP) located 70 km north of Manaus, Brazil, to determine how forest fragmentation, secondary forest regeneration, and interspecific variation in avian foraging behavior influence the recruitment of Heliconia acuminata, a common understory plant in primary forests.


BDFFP2 Manuas-bruna maria 2-Inouye


By using a combination of empirical and modeling approaches, we have elucidated the degree to which biotic and abiotic factors acting at various spatial and temporal scales contribute to recruitment of H. acuminata in this human-modified landscape. By mapping and measuring seedlings in long-term plots at high spatial resolution, radio-tracking bird dispersers, conducting feeding experiments to estimate seed gut passage rates, quantifying the abiotic environment (e.g., light availability), and developing detailed GIS vegetation maps of the area surrounding the fragments, we can integrate the necessary data in sophisticated spatially-explicit models of seed rain and seedling recruitment.


Marina Cortes, a former graduate student, developed microsatellite primers for H. acuminata and has genotyped over 2,500 individuals within this landscape at two time points, 1998 and 2005.  These snapshots in time represent fine-scale genetic structure before (1998) and after (2005) secondary forest re-growth in the matrix surrounding the forests. These data provide us with unique empirical and theoretical insights into the effects of landscape fragmentation and the characteristics of the surrounding landscape on disperser behaviour and population genetic structure, a vital contribution to ecology.