%ASSET_SS_LINEAR function [XBAR, RHO, THETA, BETTA,eta,sig,p,pp,a,ap] = asset_ss; %This program produces the deep structural parameters and computes the steady state of the Burnside asset pricing model as described in ``Accuracy of stochastic perturbation methods: the case of asset pricing models," by F. Collard and M. Juillard, JEDC, 25, June 2001, 979-999. Parameter values are given on p. 989. % %(c) Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe and Martin Uribe %January 22, 2002 XBAR = 0.0179; %steady state of growth rate of dividend process RHO =-0.139; %persistence parameter of growth rate of dividend process THETA = -1.5; %Curvature of single-period utility funciton BETTA = 0.95; %subjective discount factor sig = 1; %parameter scaling the vector of innovations eta=0.0348; %Matrix multiplying the vector of innovations % Steady-state price-Divident ratio, p, is the only endogenous variable p = BETTA * exp(THETA*XBAR)/(1-BETTA * exp(THETA*XBAR)); a = XBAR; %growth rate of dividend process (exogenous shock) %Next-period variables pp = p; ap = a;