function [gx,hx,exitflag]=gx_hx(fy,fx,fyp,fxp,stake); %[gx,hx,exitflag]=gx_hx(fy,fx,fyp,fxp,stake); %computes the matrices gx and hx that define the first-order approximation to the solution %of a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model. %Following the notation in Schmitt-Grohe and Uribe (JEDC, 2004), the model's equilibrium conditions %take the form %E_t[f(yp,y,xp,x)=0. %The solution is of the form %xp = h(x,sigma) + sigma * eta * ep %y = g(x,sigma). %The first-order approximations to the functions g and h around the point (x,sigma)=(xbar,0), where xbar=h(xbar,0), are: %h(x,sigma) = xbar + hx (x-xbar) %and %g(x,sigma) = ybar + gx * (x-xbar), %where ybar=g(xbar,0). %The variable exitflag takes the values 0 (no solution), 1 (unique solution), 2 (indeterminacy), or 3 (z11 is not invertible). %Inputs: fy fyp fx fxp stake % The parameter stake ensures that all eigenvalues of hx are less than stake in modulus (the default is stake=1). %Outputs: gx hx exitflag %This program is a modified version of solab.m by Paul Klein (JEDC, 2000). %Modified on August 30 2009 by Ryan Chahrour ( to replace qzdiv.m by ordqz.m to increase speed. %(c) Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe and Martin Uribe %Date July 17, 2001, May 11 2006, November 19, 2009 if nargin<5 stake=1; end exitflag = 1; %Create system matrices A,B A = [-fxp -fyp]; B = [fx fy]; NK = size(fx,2); %Complex Schur Decomposition [s,t,q,z] = qz(A,B); %Pick non-explosive (stable) eigenvalues slt = (abs(diag(t))NK warning('The Equilibrium is Locally Indeterminate') exitflag=2; elseif nk