function [GAMA, DELTA, ALFA, RHO, BETTA, c, cp, k1, k1p, k2, k2p, a1, a1p, a2, a2p] = kim_ss %This program produces the deep structural parameters and computes the steady state of a 2-country neoclassical growth model with complete asset markets described in ``Spurious Welfare Reversals in International Business Cycle Models,'' by J. Kim and S. H. Kim, forthcoming in the Journal of International Economics. %(c) Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe and Martin Uribe %January 21, 2002 GAMA = 2; DELTA = 0.1; %Depreciation rate ALFA = 0.3; %Capital elasticity of the production function RHO = 0; %Serial correlation of productivity shock BETTA = 0.95; k1 = (( BETTA^(-1) - 1 + DELTA ) / ALFA)^(1/ (ALFA-1)); k2 = k1; c = k1^(ALFA) - DELTA * k1; a1 = 1; a2 = 1; %Take logs c = log(c); k1 = log(k1); k2 = log(k2); a1 = log(a1); a2 = log(a2); %Next-period variables cp = c; k1p = k1; k2p = k2; a1p = a1; a2p = a2;