%DEEP_PARAMETERS.M %Deep Structural parameters of the model in ``Optimal Inflation Stabilization in a Medium-Scale Macroeconomic Model'' by S. Schmitt-Grohe and Martin Uribe (2005) %(c) Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe and Martin Uribe, October 2005 . function [BETTA, THETA, DELTA, NU, ETATIL, ETA, ALFA, ALFATIL, B, KAPA, CHI, CHITIL, PSSI, PHI1, PHI2, PHI3, PHI4, GAMA1, GAMA2, RHOMUZ, RHOMUUPSILON, RHOG, STD_EPSMUZ, STD_EPSMUUPSILON, STD_EPSG, G, MUI, MUZ, MUUPSILON ] = deep_parameters; U = 1; %SS capital utilization GAMA2_O_GAMA1 = 1.46; %cost of capital utilization PAISTAR = 1.042^(1/4); %Inflation target %Exogenous processes, all from ACEL and CE RHOMUZ = 0.89; %Serial correlation of neutral tech. shock growth, STD_EPSMUZ = 0.0007; %Std. dev. of innovation to neutral tech. shock RHOMUUPSILON = 0.20; %Serial correlation of neutral tech. shock growth, STD_EPSMUUPSILON = 0.0031; %Std. dev. of innovation to neutral tech. shock % gOVE PROCESS FROM Christiano and Eichenbaum 1992 RHOG = 0.9;%0.96; %Serial correlation of gov't consumption (Christiano and Eichenbaum 1992). SG = 0.17; %Share of gov't expenditures in gdp (own estimate) STD_EPSG = 0.008;%0.020; %Std. Dev. of innovation to gov't consumption (Christiano and Eichenbaum 1992). %Calibration of Money demand block SMH = 0.44; %Share of household money in total money (own estimate). SM = 0.1695*4; %M1/GDP. Sample: 1959:1-2004:3. Source: GDP NIPA and M1 FRB. Produced with m1_gdp.m EPS_MH_R = -0.81; %annualized inerest rate semielasticity of money demand (ACEL) H = 0.5; %Steady State labor supply PHI3 = 1; %reciprocal of intertemporal elasticity of substitution BETTA = 1.03^(-1/4); %Discount factor; THETA = 0.36;%Capital share; I use a much smaller capital share to avoid the problem of getting an investment share of over 1/3 of GDP. DELTA = 0.025; ETATIL = 21; %Labor elasticity of subst (ACEL) ETA = 6; %goods elasticity of substitution (ACEL) ALFA = 0.8; %Degree of price stickiness (CEE) ALFATIL = 0.69; %degree of wage stickiness (ACEL) B = 0.69; %degree of habit formation (ACEL) KAPA = 2.79; %Capital adjustment cost (ACEL) CHI = 0; %Degree of price ndexation (Cogley and Sbordone, LOWW) CHITIL = 1; %Degree of wage indexation (ACEL) MUZ = 1.00213; %steady state growth rate of neutral technological growth, ACEL%The report 1.00013, but to square with their text it should be 1.0045/1.0042^(THeTA/(1-THETA)) MUUPSILON = 1.0042; %ACEL MUZSTAR = MUZ * MUUPSILON^(THETA/(1-THETA)); MUI = MUUPSILON * MUZSTAR; MULAMBDA = 1/ MUZSTAR;% THIS IS ONLY TRUE IF PHI3=1, ELSE USE MUZSTAR^((1-PHI3)*(1-PHI4)-1); PAI = PAISTAR; %Inflation QQ = 1; %Tobin's q SK = THETA; %capital share R = PAI / BETTA / MULAMBDA; %Nominal interest rate PTIL = ((1-ALFA * PAI^((ETA-1)*(1-CHI))) / (1-ALFA)) ^ (1/(1-ETA)); %relative price of optimizing firms WTIL_O_W = ((1-ALFATIL * (MUZSTAR*PAI)^((CHITIL-1)*(1-ETATIL))) / (1-ALFATIL)) ^ (1/(1-ETATIL)); MUTIL = (ETATIL / (ETATIL-1)) * ((1-ALFATIL * BETTA * MUZSTAR * MULAMBDA * (MUZSTAR*PAI)^((1-CHITIL)*(ETATIL-1))) / (1 - ALFATIL * BETTA * MUZSTAR * MULAMBDA * (MUZSTAR*PAI)^((1-CHITIL)*ETATIL))) * (1/WTIL_O_W); % inverse of wage markup S = ((1-ALFA) * PTIL^(-ETA)) / (1-ALFA*PAI^((1-CHI) * ETA)); %distortion between output and total production STIL = (1-ALFATIL) * WTIL_O_W^(-ETATIL) / (1-ALFATIL * (PAI*MUZSTAR)^((1-CHITIL)*ETATIL));%distortion between hours supplied and hours used as factor input HD = H / STIL; %steady state labor input MC = PTIL * (ETA -1 ) * (1- ALFA * BETTA * MULAMBDA * MUZSTAR * PAI^(ETA*(1-CHI))) / (ETA * (1-ALFA*BETTA * MULAMBDA * MUZSTAR * PAI^((CHI-1)*(1-ETA)))); % marginal cost of producing a unit of final good SI = (MUI - (1-DELTA) ) * SK / (MUUPSILON/BETTA/MULAMBDA -1 + DELTA); RK = MUUPSILON/BETTA/MULAMBDA -1 + DELTA; %rental rate of capital K = (RK/MC/THETA)^(1/(THETA-1))*HD * MUI; %aggregate capital factor input IV = (1 - (1-DELTA)/MUI) * K; %investment NU = SM * (1-SMH) / (1-SK - SM * (1-SMH) *(1- 1/R)); %Working capital constraint W = MC * (1-THETA) * (K/MUI/HD)^THETA / (1 + NU*(1-1/R));%average real wage rate WTIL = WTIL_O_W * W; %Wage charged by optimizing unions PSSI = (K/MUI)^THETA * HD^(1-THETA) - S * (RK*K/MUI + W*HD * (1 + NU * (1-1/R))); %FIXED Cost OUTPUT = ((K/MUI)^THETA * HD^(1-THETA) - PSSI) / S; %aggregate demand PHI2=-1/8*(8*EPS_MH_R*R^2-8*EPS_MH_R*R+1)/EPS_MH_R/R^2; %Paramter of transactions cost technology VTILDE = sqrt(PHI2+1-1/R); %auxiliary variable, V=VTILDE/ sqrt(PHI1) SC = 1 - SI - SG; %Consumption share in gdp (this includes the transactions cost PHI1 = VTILDE^2 / (SC/SMH/SM +2* VTILDE* sqrt(PHI2) - VTILDE^2-PHI2)^2; %Paramter of transactions cost technology V = sqrt(PHI2/PHI1 + 1/PHI1 * (R-1)/R); %Consumption-based money velocity ELL = PHI1 * V + PHI2/V - 2 * sqrt(PHI1*PHI2); %Transactions consts C = (OUTPUT*(1-SG)-IV) / (1+ELL);%Steady state consumption, one should subtract a(u)k, but this is zero G = SG * OUTPUT; %Government spending PHI4 = ((1-B*BETTA*MULAMBDA) * (1-H) / C / (1-B/MUZSTAR)) / (((1-B*BETTA*MULAMBDA) * (1-H) / C / (1-B/MUZSTAR))+MUTIL/W*(1+2*PHI1*V-2*(PHI1*PHI2)^(1/2))); GAMA1 = RK; GAMA2 = GAMA2_O_GAMA1 * GAMA1;