%cam_ss.m %Steady state of the Small Open Economy Model With complete asset markets presented in chapter 4 of ``Open Economy Macroeconomics,'' by Martin Uribe, 2013. %Calibration %Time unit is a year SIGG = 2; %curvature of period utility funciton DELTA = 0.1; %depreciation rate RSTAR = 0.04; %long-run interest rate (used to calibrate the subjective discount factor) ALFA = 0.32; %F(k,h) = k^ALFA h^(1-ALFA) OMEGA = 1.455; %Frisch ela st. from Mendoza 1991 DBAR = 0.74421765717098; %debt PHI = 0.028; %capital adjustment cost RHO = 0.42; %persistence of TFP shock STD_EPS_A = 0.0129; %standard deviation of innovation to TFP shock BETTA = 1/(1+RSTAR); %subjective discount factor KAPA = ((1/BETTA - (1-DELTA)) / ALFA)^(1/(ALFA-1)); %k/h h = ((1-ALFA)*KAPA^ALFA)^(1/(OMEGA -1)); k = KAPA * h; %capital output = KAPA^ALFA * h; %output c = output-DELTA*k-RSTAR*DBAR; %this is the level of consumpiton in the EDEIR model, which we use to calibrate PSSI_CAM ivv = DELTA * k; %investment tb = output - ivv - c; %trade balance tby = tb/output; ca = 0; cay = ca/output; s = tb * BETTA/ (BETTA-1); %value of portfolio purchased in the current period b = s / BETTA; %current-period payoff of portfolio purchased in the previous period a = 1; %technological factor la = ((c - h^OMEGA/OMEGA))^(-SIGG); %marginal utility of wealth PSSI_CAM = la;