function [nGAMA,nDELTA,nALFA,nPSI,nRHO,nOMEGA,nPHI,nR,nDBAR,nc,ncp,nh,nhp,nk,nkp,nk1,nk1p,nd,ndp,ni,nip,ntb,ntbp,nla,nlap,ny,nyp,na,nap,ntby,ntbyp,ncay,ncayp]=deir_ss %This program produces the deep structural parameters and computes the steady state of a small open economy with a debt-elastic interest-rate premium described in ``Closing Small Open Economy Models,'' by S. Schmitt-Grohe and Martin Uribe. %(c) Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe and Martin Uribe %Date November 8, 2001 nGAMA = 2; %intertemporal elasticity of substitution nDELTA = 0.1; %Depreciation rate nALFA = 0.32; %Capital elasticity of the production function nPSI = 0.11135/150;%parameter of portfolio adjustment cost function (set so as to match sd of cay in Mendoza91). nRHO = 0.42; %Serial correlation of productivity shock nOMEGA = 1.455; %exponent of labor in utility function nPHI = 0.028; %Parameter of adjustment cost function nR = 0.04; %world interest rate nDBAR = 0.74421765717098; %parameter of interest-rate-premium function h_over_k = ((nR+nDELTA)/nALFA)^(1/(1-nALFA)); %hours to capital ratio nh = ((1-nALFA) * (nALFA/(nR+nDELTA)) ^ (nALFA/(1-nALFA)))^(1/(nOMEGA-1)); %hours nd = nDBAR; %foreign debt nk = nh / h_over_k; %capital ni = nDELTA * nk; %investment ny = nk^nALFA * nh^(1-nALFA); %output ntb = nd * nR; %net foreign debt position nc = ny - ntb - ni; %trade balance ntby = ntb / ny; ncay = (-nR * nd + ntb) / ny; nbeta = 1/(1+nR); %subjective disount rate nUc = ( nc - nh^nOMEGA/nOMEGA)^(-nGAMA); %marginal urility of consumption nla = nUc; %marginal utility of wealth nk1 = nk; %Auxiliary variable na = 1; %productivity shock %Apply logs nc = log(nc); nh = log(nh); nk = log(nk); nk1 = log(nk1); nla = log(nla); ny = log(ny); ni = log(ni); nd = log(nd); na = log(na); %Next-period variables ncp=nc; nyp= ny; nkp=nk; nk1p=nk; nip= ni; nhp=nh; ndp=nd; nlap=nla; nap=na; ntbp=ntb; ntbyp = ntby; ncayp = ncay;