%TABLE.M %This program produces the first six line of Table 1 in Schmitt-Grohe, Stephanie and Martin Uribe, %``Foreign Demand for Domestic Currency and The Optimal Rate of Inflation'' %Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, forthcoming. % %(c) Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe and Martin Uribe % Date: January 5, 2011 clear all debt_target = [0.2;0.2;0.2;0.2;0.2;0.5]; a = 0.0111/2*[1 1 1 1/4 1 1]'; b = 0.07524 * [1 1 1 1 1/2 1]'; YF = [0.06 0 0.10 0.06 0.06 0.06]'; for j=1:length(YF) [pai(j,1),R(j,1), tau(j,1), m(j,1),mf(j,1), v(j,1), vf(j,1), y(j,1), yf(j,1), c(j,1), h(j,1), d(j,1), g, S(j,1), sd(j,1), la(j,1), THETA, BETTA, A(j,1), B(j,1), fval(j,:)] = simu(debt_target(j,1),YF(j,1),a(j,1),b(j,1)); end table1 = [mf./(m+mf) (m+mf)./c (pai-1)*100 (R-1)*100 tau*100]