function LAMBDA = L(state0,MU) %LAMBDA = L(state0,MU) computes the equilibrium value of LAMBDA, the multiplier in the implementability constraint of the Ramsey problem. %Inputs: state0 (the state of the economy) and MU (the markup) %Output: LAMBDA and DIST (the output of findL, see below) %Calls: findL.m (via fsolve.m) %(c) Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe and Martin Uribe LAMBDA_ini = .4; OPTIONS = OPTIMSET('tolx',1e-12,'tolfun',1e-12, 'MaxFunEvals', 10000); [LAMBDA,DIST] = fsolve('findL',LAMBDA_ini,OPTIONS,state0,MU); LAMBDA = abs(LAMBDA)