Martin Uribe
Robert A. Mundell Professor
Department of Economics
Columbia University

Nontechnical Articles and Media

Entrevista con Luciana Vazquez de La Nacion (Argentina), Abril 2024 [ Video ]

A roundtable on Argentine Economics and Politics at Columbia (April 8, 2024) [ Flyer ][ Video ]

Video of a presentation at the University of Miami Economic Forum ``Argentina in Transition,'' February 2, 2024 (in Spanish). Watch the videos of the whole conference, with presentations by Alejandro Werner, Fernando Alvarez, Ivan Werning, Sebastian Galiani, and Federico Sturzenegger.

Los talones de Aquiles de la dolarización. Columna del periodista Guillermo López en el portal de Cadena 3 de Córdoba, Argentina, mayo de 2023.

Presentacion en un panel sobre el Plan de Convertibilidad junto a Eduardo Levy Yeyati, Domingo Cavallo, Juan Llach, Carola Pessino, y Laura D'Amato, Abril de 2023 (en youtube).

Andy Neumeyer (U. Di Tella) and I organized a conference on the ``Credibility of Government Policy,'' which took place at Columbia University and the New York Fed on February 22-24, 2023. The conference celebrated the career of Guillermo Calvo. The presentations are online here. Two blogs in English summarizing Guillermo's career and the content of the conference are here and here. Un blog en castellano que resume la carrera de Guillermo y el contenido de la conferencia se encuentra aquí.

I was honored with a doctorate honoris causa from my alma mater, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina) on November 23, 2022. Here is the university's announcement, and here is the video of the ceremony and of my award lecture ``Macroeconomía y Estado.''

Speech at the Robert Mundell Memorial, November 11, 2021, St. Paul Chapel, Columbia University (about 10 minutes). (Palabras en el memorial de Robert Mundell, 10 minutos, en inglés). Here is the official webpage of the memorial.

``Programas de Estabilización de Precios'' Slides for a fifteen-minute panel presentation at a conference on inflation stabilization programs for Argentina. Universidad Austral, Argentina, August 2022 (Spanish).

Entrevista con Guadalupe Vazquez Radio Rivadavia, Argentina, Julio 2022, in Spanish.

Conversaciones con Sebastian Galiani: Episodio XLIX. Junio 2022, in Spanish.

Martín Uribe: "El FMI nos está salvando de la hiperinflación.” Entrevista con Radio Cadena 3, Cordoba, Argentina, 23 de abril de 2022. (Inteview with Radio Cadena 3, Argentina, April 23, 2022, in Spanish).

Martín Uribe, economista: “La dolarización en Argentina no es necesaria.” Entrevista con CNN Radio Argentina, 8 de abril de 2022. (Inteview with CNN Radio Argentina, April 8, 2022, in Spanish).

``La deuda en Argentina es una cuestión ideológica'' Entrevista con Miguel Claria de Radio Cadena 3 de Córdoba, Argentina, 29 de abril de 2021, con audio. (In Spanish.)

GameStop: como los micro inversores sacudieron a Wall Stteet Entrevista con Hugo Pasarello Luna de Radio Francia Internacional, 4 de febrero de 2021. (``GameStop: How micro -investors shook Wall Street,'' interview by Hugo Pasarello Luna of Radio Francia Internacional, February 4, 2021, in Spanish.)

``Economía Argentina: La Mirada Externa," Panel en Expo EFI, Buenos Aires, 24 de Noviembre 2020 (on Zoom; cominenza en hora 6:00 PM). In Spanish.

``Public Debt and the Macroeconomy'' Closing Panel, 53 International Conference on Public Finance, National University of C\'ordoba, Argentina, September 24, 2020. (Spanish).

Interview with Jorge Fonteveccia in `Periodismo Puro,' Grupo Perfil, September 3, 2020. (Spanish).

Radio Francia Internacional Entrevista sobre tasa de desempleo en loas Estados Unidos durante la pandemia. Lunes 8 de junio de . Interview with Radio Francia Internacional on the unemployment rate in the United States during the pandemic. June 8, 2020, in Spanish.

Entrevista con Martín Kanenguiser of INFOBAE, May 16, 2020. (Interview with newspaper INFOBAE, May 16, 2020, in Spanish)

Panel Presentation on Argentinas Debt Reestructuring Offer with Martín Guzman and Jeffrey Sachs, May 6, 2020. (Panel sobre reestructuracion de la deuda externa argentina, con Martin Guzman and Jeffrey Sachs, 6 de mayo de 2020).

"El gobierno tiene que encontrar el límite epidemiológico de la inflación", interview on TV program `La Repregunta,' LN+ (Buenos Aires), April 16, 2020 (Spanish).

No podemos limitarnos a que el ajuste fiscal sea solo aumento de impuestos y reestructuración de deuda, Interview with Argentine newspaper LA Nacion on February 9, 2020 (Spanish).

Entrevista en CNN Radio Argentina sobre la Reestructuración de la Deuda Externa Argentina de 2020 (28 de enero de 2020) (interview on the Argentine Debt Restructuring of 2020, in Spanish, 1/28/2020).

Entrevista en CNN Radio Argentina sobre la Economía Argentina post elecciones presidenciales 2019 (interview on the Argentine economy post 2019 presidential election, in Spanish).

Interview on the Neo-Fisher Effect at the conference on ``Inflation: Perspectives and Outlook,'' Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Richmond, Virginia, November 30, 2018.

Niedrigzinsen: Im schwarzen Loch, Die Zeit, Auust 2019 (in German, with . English translation).

Interview with newspaper La Nación, Buenos Aires, August 6, 2019. (Spanish)

Interview with La Nación TV, Buenos Aires, August 6, 2019. (Spanish)

Mesa redonda del congreso anual delNavarra Center for International Development (NCID), 17 de Mayo, 2018. Tópicos: La política fiscal europea, el crecimiento desigual y las políticas del presidennte D. Trump.

Der Neo-Fisher-Effekt, by Bertram Schefold, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, July 6, 2019 (in German).

Interview by the Bank of Portugal, June 2019.

El Cronista Comercial, Argentine Economists, January 2019, in Spanish.

El Cronista Comercial, Interview, January 2019, in Spanish.

¿Es hora de que la Reserva Federal haga una pausa en las tasas de interés? Interview with Javier Serbia, CNN en Español, December 11, 2018.

Caída en la bolsa de EEUU: ¿Culpa de la Reserva Federal? Interview with Javier Serbia, CNN en Español, October 11, 2018.

Interview with `CEA Perspectivas' (Centro de Economía Aplicada, Universidad del CEMA, Argentina), published in April 2018 (in Spanish).

Es Contraproducente que el Banco Central Emita Deuda?, published in the blog Foco Economico on November 16, 2016.

Habrá que desempolvar a Krugman 79… Una vez más, published in the blog Foco Economico on August 26, 2015.

Una Razón Por La Que El Capital No Fluye De Los Países Ricos A Los Pobres, joint with Andres Fernandez-Martin, published in the blog Foco Economico on May 20, 2015.

¿Proteccionismo financiero en Latinoamérica? Lo que dice una nueva base de datos, joint with Andres Fernandez-Martin, published in the blog Foco Economico on March 25, 2015.

Capital Control Measures: A New Dataset, with Andres Fernandez, Michael Klein, Alessandro Rebucci, and Martin Schindler, Vox EU, March 2015.

El Manejo del Default: No Tan Malo Como Pinta , published in the blog Foco Economico on August 27, 2014.

Controles de Capital: ¿Se Aplican Macroprudencialmente?, published in the blog Foco Economico on April 9, 2014. (Joint with Andres Fernandez).

EEUU, Europa, y Deflación: Qué Deberían Hacer, y Dejar de Hacer Para Evitarla , published in the blog Foco Economico on November 13, 2013.

La Actual Inflación Nos Cuesta 1% de Crecimiento Por Año, published in the blog Foco Economico on July 19, 2013.

Inflacionariamente Anormales, published in the blog Foco Economico on April 10, 2013.

La Inflación Según Kicillof: La Teoría de las Ganancias Extraordinarias , published in the blog Foco Economico on November 28, 2012.

Finanzas Provinciales: Eurozonizándonos Y Desestadounidizándonos, published in the blog Foco Economico on August 8, 2012.

Independencia del Banco Central e Inflación, published in the blog Foco Economico on May 2, 2012.

Las Trabas de Moreno: Una Aproximacion Ramsiana, published in the blog Foco Economico on January 25, 2012.

Rigidez Salarial a la Baja, (with Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe), published in the blog Foco Economico on September 14, 2011.

Politica Monetaria Argentina 2006-2011: Dos Aplazos y Un Aprobado', joint with Javier Garcia-Cicco, published in the blog Foco Economico on June 22, 2011.

El Tipo de Cambio `Notebook', published in the blog Foco Economico on February 16, 2011.

Sobre la Cura de la Actual Inflación, published in the blog Foco Economico on December 8, 2010.

Concejo del Salario: Objetivo Loable, Resultados Indeseables, 23 de julio de 2008 (in Spanish).

The Argentine Economy: Three Problems, One Solution, April 8, 2006 (in English).

Apuntar al Central, July 19, 2005 (in Spanish).

Research Summary: Policy Evaluation in Macroeconomics, NBER Reporter, Spring 2005.

On Policy Evaluation in Macroeconomics, Economic Dynamics Newsletter, Volume 6, Issue 1, November 2004.

Interview with (Bogota, May 26, 2004). [In Spanish.]

Argentina: Where To Go From Here? (June 25, 2002)

El Espejismo del Corralito (in Spanish). A comment on the perils of maintining the severe financial restrictions imposed in Argentina by the De la Rua/Cavallo administration in December 2001. These  restrictions were still in place at the time this note was posted on the web on March 19, 2002.