function [nfx, nfy, nfxp, nfyp, nvarshock, nETASHOCK,tby] = financial_friction_ss(param_estim); %[nfx, nfy, nfxp, nfyp, nvarshock, nETASHOCK,tby] = financial_friction_ss(param_estim) introduces calibrated parameters, computes the steady state, and evaluates the first derivatives of the equilibrium conditions of the DSGE model with financial frictions presented in ``Real Business Cycles in emerging Countries?,'' by J. Garcia-Cicco, R. Pancrazi, and M. Uribe (AER forthcoming). % %Calls: financial_friction_num_eval. This file is produced by running financial_friction.m % %(c)Martin Uribe % %Date September 2009 G = param_estim(1); SIGMAG = param_estim(2); RHOG = param_estim(3); SIGMAA = param_estim(4); RHOA = param_estim(5); SIGMANU = param_estim(6); RHONU = param_estim(7); SIGMAS = param_estim(8); RHOS = param_estim(9); SIGMAMU = param_estim(10); RHOMU = param_estim(11); PHI = param_estim(12); PSSI = param_estim(13); STDmey = param_estim(14); STDmec = param_estim(15); STDmeiv = param_estim(16); STDmetby = param_estim(17); GAMA = 2; %intertemporal elasticity of substitution DBAR = 0.007; DELTA = 1.03^4-1;%0.03; %Depreciation rate ALFA = 0.32; %Capital elasticity of the production function %PSSI = 0.001;%parameter governing the debt elasticity of the interest rate. OMEGA = 1.6; %exponent of labor in utility function THETA = 1.4 * OMEGA; BETTA = 0.98^4;%0.98;%discount factor SHARE_S = 0.10; %Share of public spending in GDP RSTAR = 1/BETTA * G^GAMA; %World interest rate r=RSTAR; %Country interest rate d = DBAR; %foreign debt k_over_gh = ((G^GAMA/BETTA - 1 + DELTA) / ALFA)^(1/(ALFA-1)); %K/(G*H) h = ((1-ALFA)* G * k_over_gh^ALFA / THETA)^(1/(OMEGA-1)); %hours k = k_over_gh * G * h; %capital ivv = (G-1+DELTA) * k; %investment yy = k^ALFA * (h*G)^(1-ALFA); %output s = yy *SHARE_S; S = s; c = (G/r-1) * d + yy - s - ivv; %Consumption tb = yy - c - s - ivv; %Trade balance tby = tb / yy; la = (c - THETA/OMEGA*h^OMEGA)^(-GAMA); %marginal utility of wealth k1 = k; %Auxiliary variable a = 1; %productivity shock g = G; %Growth rate of nonstationary productivity shock gc = g; giv = g; yyback = yy; cback = c; ivvback = ivv; gback = g; gy = g; nu = 1; mu = 1; financial_friction_num_eval; %The file financial_friction_num_eval.m is produced by running financial_friction.m nvarshock = nETASHOCK*nETASHOCK';