function [nfx,nfxp,nfy,nfyp] = rw %This program computes a log-linear approximation to the function f for a small open economy without stationarity inducing features. The model is described in ``Closing Small Open Economy Models,'' by Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe and Martin Uribe. The function f defines the DSGE model (a p denotes next-period variables) : % E_t f(yp,y,xp,x) =0. % %Inputs: none % %Output: Numerical first derivative of f % %Calls: anal_deriv.m num_eval.m rw_ss.m % %(c) Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe and Martin Uribe % %Date November 8, 2001 %Define parameters approx = 1; %Order of approximation desired syms GAMA DELTA ALFA RHO OMEGA PHI R DBAR %Define variables syms c cp k kp k1 k1p a ap h hp d dp yy yyp iv ivp tb tbp la lap tby tbyp cay cayp %Give functional form for utility and production functions u = ((c - h^OMEGA/OMEGA)^(1-GAMA)-1)/(1-GAMA); up = ((cp - hp^OMEGA/OMEGA)^(1-GAMA)-1)/(1-GAMA); output = a * k^ALFA * h^(1-ALFA); outputp = ap * kp^ALFA * hp^(1-ALFA); %Write equations (e1, e2,...en) %Note: we take a linear, rather than log-linear, approximation with respect to tb, the trade balance) e1 = (1+R) * d - log(tb) - dp; e2 = -log(tb) + yy - c - iv - PHI/2 * (kp -k)^2; e3 = -yy + a * k^ALFA * h^(1-ALFA); e4 = -iv + kp - (1-DELTA) *k; e5 = - la + lap; e6 = - la + diff(u,'c'); e7 = -diff(u,'h') - la * diff(output,'h'); e8 = -la * (1+ PHI*(kp-k)) + 1 / (1+R) * lap* (diff(outputp,'kp') + 1 - DELTA + PHI * (k1p -k1)); e9 = -k1 + kp; e10 = -log(ap) + RHO * log(a); e11 = -log(tby) + log(tb) / yy; e12 = -log(cay) - R*d / yy + log(tby); %Create function f f = [e1;e2;e3;e4;e5;e6;e7;e8;e9;e10;e11;e12]; % Define the vector of controls, y, and states, x x = [k d a]; y = [yy c iv h tby cay tb la k1]; xp = [kp dp ap]; yp = [yyp cp ivp hp tbyp cayp tbp lap k1p]; %Make f a function of the logarithm of the state and control vector f = subs(f, [x,y,xp,yp], exp([x,y,xp,yp])); %Compute analytical derivatives of f [fx,fxp,fy,fyp]=anal_deriv(f,x,y,xp,yp,approx); %Numerical evaluation %Assign values to parameters and steady-state variables [GAMA,DELTA,ALFA,RHO,OMEGA,PHI,R,DBAR,c,cp,h,hp,k,kp,k1,k1p,d,dp,iv,ivp,tb,tbp,la,lap,yy,yyp,a,ap,tby,tbyp,cay,cayp]=rw_ss; %Compute numerical derivatives of f num_eval