%SP_SS.M function [ THETA,GBAR,SIGMA,CHI,GAMA,BETTA,DELTA,ALFA,ETA,CSTAR,IVSTAR,GSTAR,RHOZ,RHOG,RHOV,w,h,c,u,k,iv,mu,a,g,v,output,wp,hp,cp,up,kp,ivp,mup,ap,gp,vp,outputp,W,H,C,U,K,IV,MU,A,G,V,OUTPUT,PHI,EHW,SC,SG,SI,THETA_C,THETA_G,THETA_I]=sp_ss(theta_c,theta_g,theta_i); %This program produces the deep structural parameters and computes the steady state of the model described in ``Deep Habits.'' by Morten Ravn, Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe, and Martin Uribe %(c) Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe and Martin Uribe, December 23, 2003 %Calibrated parameters if nargin<3 theta_i = 0; %investment subsistence point end if nargin<2 theta_g = 0.275; %gov't subsistence point end if nargin<1 theta_c = 0.275; %consumption subsistence point end THETA_C=theta_c;%ratio of subsistence-consumption-to-consumption THETA_G=theta_g;%ratio of subsistence-gov'tconsumption-to-gov'tconsumption THETA_I=theta_i;%ratio of subsistence-investment-to-investment SIGMA = 2; %intertemporal elasticity of substitution EHW = 1.3; %Frisch elasticity of labor suppy H = 0.2; %hours (Prescott, 1986) ETA = 5.3%Long-run Price elasticity of demand for a particular variety. Taken from the econometric estimates shown in the paper ``Deep Habits'' R = 1.04^(1/4); %Gross quarterly real interest rate (Rotemberg & Woodford, JPE, 1991) SH = 0.75;%Labor share (Rotemberg & Woodford, JPE, 1991) SG = 0.12; % Steady State Share of Government Purchases (Rotemberg & Woodford, JPE, 1991) RHOZ = 0.9; %Persistence of technology shock z_t RHOG = 0.9; %Persistence of Government purchases shock RHOV = 0.9; %Persistence of preference shock SC = 0.7; %Consumption share (Rotemberg & Woodford, JPE, 1991) %Implied parameters BETTA = 1/R; %Subjective discount factor SI = 1-SC-SG; %INVESTMENT SHARE THETA = SC * THETA_C + SG * THETA_G + SI * THETA_I; %Average ratio of subsistence absorption to absorption MU = 1 / (1-1/ETA/ (1-THETA)); %Markup ALFA = 1 - SH; %capital elasticity of output SK = SH * ALFA/(1-ALFA); %share of capital ans = SI / SH * (1-ALFA) / ALFA * (1-THETA_I); DELTA = ans*(1/BETTA-1)/(1-ans); %Depreciation rate U = 1/BETTA-1+DELTA; %rental rate of capital K = (SI/DELTA/MU*(1-THETA_I))^(1/(1-ALFA))*H; %Steady state capital stock OUTPUT = K^ALFA * H^(1-ALFA) / MU; %output W = U * (1-ALFA)/ALFA *K/H; %Wage rate IV = DELTA * K / (1-THETA_I); %Investment PHI = K^ALFA * H^(1-ALFA) - OUTPUT; %Fixed cost C = SC * OUTPUT; %consumption CHI = (1-H)/H / EHW; GAMA = W * (1-H)^CHI / (C*(1-THETA_C))^SIGMA; V =1; %Steady-State value of preference shock A = 1; %steady-state value of technology shock G = SG * OUTPUT; %Government consumption GBAR=G; %Unconditional mean of gov't consumption %Subsistence levels of consumption, gov't spending, and investment CSTAR = THETA_C*C; IVSTAR = THETA_I*IV; GSTAR = THETA_G*G; %Log values w=log(W); h=log(H); c=log(C); u=log(U); k=log(K); iv=log(IV); mu=log(MU); a=log(A); g = log(G); output = log(OUTPUT); v=log(V); %Future values of logged variables wp=log(W); hp=log(H); cp=log(C); up=log(U); kp=log(K); ivp=log(IV); mup=log(MU); ap=log(A); gp = log(G); outputp = log(OUTPUT); vp=log(V);