A JavaScript antipattern

In JavaScript, you can get class-like behavior by defining functions like this:

    var Video = function() {
        var self = this;

        // init code here
        this.num = 2;
        this.getNum = function() {
            return self.num;

Or like this:

    var Video = function() {
        // init code here
        this.num = 2;

    Video.prototype.getNum = function() {
        return this.num;

I like the second way better, but the first style works as well. ES6 has a standard way to define classes, see https://github.com/addyosmani/es6-equivalents-in-es5#classes, but I'm only talking about ES5.

I ran across some code in SherdJS that defines a class using the first method I mentioned, and also did some interesting things that I hadn't seen before. Notice how, in youtube.js, a new function is defined at this.microformat.create(). That confused me, because what is this.microformat? Digging further, you notice that Sherd.Video.YouTube is a child class of a few other classes.

You can find this.microformats in video.js, and it's a plain JS object with a bunch of functions in it. JavaScript is known for its flexibility in allowing you to write confusing code. But this particular pattern could be implemented in Python as well:

    class Video:
        microformats = {
            'create': (lambda x: return ''),
            'find': (lambda html_dom: return [{'html': html_dom}]),
            # etc...

But why would you do that? Because these functions don't depend on any instance data, why are they even in the Sherd.Video class?

However, the YouTube class overrides this.microformats.create() with instance data. I found this confusing, maybe because it's unexpected. I think this.microformats is unnecessary, and if YouTube needs to create a microformat, it can just define a createMicroformat() method.