Urban Planning Classes and Papers

I am currently taking Urban Planning classes at Columbia University. Here are the classes and select papers I have written...

Transportation Issues Seminar with Elliott D. Sclar (Fall 2006)

History of Urbanization and the Physical Structure of Cities with Elliott D. Sclar (Spring 2006)

New Patterns of Metropolitan Development with Tom Wright (Fall 2005)

Transportation Issues Seminar with Floyd Lapp (Spring 2005)

Value Pricing Case Studies

Bus Rapid Transit: Introduction

Intro to Geographical Information Systems with Douglas Miller (Fall 2004)

A Brief Look at Urban Transportation

Political Environment of Development with Carl Weisbrod & John Alschuler (Spring 2004)

The FDR Drive Should Not be Lowered: Transportation Arguments

Urban Transportation Planning with Floyd Lapp (Fall 2003)

Bus Rapid Transit on the East Side of Manhattan

Techniques of Project Evaluation with Moshe Adler (Spring 2003)

Foundations of Urban Economic Analysis with Moshe Adler (Fall 2002)

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