What can the study of language contribute to our understanding of human nature? This question motivates research spanning many intellectual constituencies, for its range exceeds the scope of any one of the core disciplines. The technical study of language has developed across anthropology, electrical engineering, linguistics, neurology, philosophy, psychology, and sociology, and influential research of the recent era of cognitive science has occurred when disciplinary boundaries were transcended. The seminar is a forum for convening this research community of broadly differing expertise, within and beyond the University. As a meeting ground for regular discussion of current events and fundamental questions, the University Seminar on Language and Cognition will direct its focus to the latest breakthroughs and the developing concerns of the scientific community studying language.

Founded 2000

Seminar Administration:

Chair: Robert E. Remez
Department of Psychology
Program in Neuroscience and Behavior
Barnard College, Columbia University
phone: 212 854-4247
email: remez@columbia.edu

Rapporteur: Molly Tong
Department of Neuroscience and Education
Teachers College, Columbia University
email: ximo.tong@columbia.edu

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A calendar of meetings in the current year.

Presentations at the seminar in past years.Past_Meetings_of_the_Seminar_on_Language_%26_Cognition.html

University Seminar #681

Language & Cognition


Last revised: March 28, 2018