Images (mostly) of New York
These photos were taken in and around Manhattan in the 1970's and early
'80's. During that period, I spent a lot of my spare time wandering around
town, taking pictures of things I saw that interested me. The images below
are ones that have stuck in my mind for one reason or another. They're not
necessarily my best pictures, but each captures something about New York
that appeals to me.
For those who care about this sort of thing, I used a number of different
cameras but most of my pictures were taken with one of two 35 mm. rangefinder
cameras (a Leica CL and a Leica M4) or an ancient 2x2 Rollieflex twin-lens
reflex, using Kodak Tri-X film. When I could find it, I printed on the late-lamented
Agfa Brovira paper.
Walking around with a camera is difficult for me now, and I am unable to
spend the amount of time standing that darkroom work requires, so I'm learning
to use a digital camera and to manipulate the images with Adobe PhotoShop.
I find it more difficult and less flexible than conventional photography,
but it may just be that I haven't yet learned to use these techniques skillfully.
My digital camera (a Kodak DC-50) seems to have several inherent limitations,
and using this medium effectively probably requires adopting a different
approach to taking pictures. If I produce any images I like using the digital
camera, I'll post them.
Click on thumbnail for larger image.