Ralph N. Wharton, M.D., F.A.C.P.

American Psychiatric Association,
Distinguished Life Fellow

Brief Bio:

Born Boston, Massachusetts

Harvard College cum laude 1953
Harvard Class Committee 1953-present
Columbia College of P&S 1957
Cornell-Bellevue intern 1957-1958
Cornell Medicine, Fellow 1963-64
US Army Captain MC Special Commendation  Munich, Germany & Orleans, France 1958-1961
Residency at CPMC: 1961-1964
Columbia Psychoanalytic Center for Research, graduate certificate 1969

Assistant Chief, Department of Experimental Psychiatry at NYSPI: 1965-1975
American Boards in Psychiatry and Neurology, certified October 1969
Sr. Supervisor, Consultation Liason Service at Presbyterian Hospital: 1976-present

Author: Landmark Paper "Use of Lithium in the Affective Psychoses" 1966 in APA Journal -
included in Special Sesquicentential Issue, best papers of 150 years.

Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Columbia University 1984-present
President Society of Practitioners CPMC 1980-1982
Executive Committee Society of Practitioners CPMC 1986, re-elected to Executive Committee 2003
President American College of Psychoanalysts 1995-1996
Board of Directors of American College of Psychoanalysts 2000-present
Fellow New York Academy of Medicine 1970-present
Fellow Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Diseases 1968-present
Founding Member International Association for the Study of Pain 1975-present
Fellow American Academy of Psychoanalysis 1975-present
Executive Director Wharton Fund for Research in Brain and Behavior 1993-present

Currently Co-Director of The Riener Center for Behavioral and Psychosomatic Medicine @ CUMC

Distinguished Practioner of the Year, June 2010 - CUMC

Co-Investigator on Biomarkers for Pain - Obama Challenge Grant for 2010-2011

Member LOTOS Club, Harvard Club, Harmonie Club
Harvard University, Alumni Guest Speaker June 2003 "The Future of  Medicine"

Office Locations:
1070 Park Avenue, Suite 1D, New York, NY 10128
Faculty Practice Building:
Atchley/Irving Pavilion, Room 209,  161 Ft. Washington Ave., New York, NY 10032

Office phone: 212-860-2666
Office fax: 212-831-9456

e-mail address: rnw1@columbia.edu