Robbie McClintock


Thanks for looking me up.

Currently, I work as an independent scholar, writing books and essays about education and formative experience. For 50 years, I studied and taught at Columbia University, retiring from the Teachers College faculty in 2011 as Weinberg Professor in the Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Education.

Having lived reflectively, I've formed, and am still forming, a few ideas I'd like to share, now primarily through a project in the digital commons, A Place to Study, which I'm busy prototyping. It will provide inclusive, well-organized resources for study by persons seeking self-formation and liberal learning in the digital commons. Check it out if you like, but recognize it's a complex project, slowly developing, looking a bit finished here, a mess there. A production version will go online in late 2022.

Here are couple recent publications:

And here are some earlier books and essays that each in its way still has some currency:

Recently, Avi Mintz, Ellen Lagemann, David Mathews, Walter Feinberg, Bertram C. Bruce, and Grace Roosevelt honored me with a Festschrift on my work in Educational Theory (68:3, 2018).

You can get the details of my academic career from my CV, which lists all the usual stuff. It also links to the full-text of most of what I’ve published and to documents about some activities I've initiated.

In 2011, Joe Levine, a good writer working for Teachers College, did a profile about me as "The Accidental Technologist." And in 2007, I told my story in a few pages—-what I then anticipated hasn’t quite panned out, but it is true enough in spirit.

I've given up on Facebook & Twitter--too much distraction, deception and exploitation. I'm still on web 2.0, however, shy and reticent, at LinkedIn, Academia, LibraryThing, and Goodreads.

To interact, use [email protected] or [email protected].

\Robbie McClintock