shigeo hirano
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direct primary elections
"The decline of competition in U.S. primary elections, 1908-2004" (joint with James M. Snyder Jr., Stephen Ansolabehere, John Mark Hansen) 2006 in The Market Place of Democracy, Michael McDonald and John Samples (eds.), Brookings Press.
"The Incumbency Advantage in U.S. Primary Elections." (with James M. Snyder, Stephen Ansolabehere and J. Mark Hansen) (2007) Electoral Studies. 26(3)660-668.
"What did the direct primaries do to party loyalty in Congress?" (joint with James M. Snyder Jr., Stephen Ansolabehere) 2007 in Process, Party and Policy Making: Further New Perspectives on the History of Congress, David Brady and Matthew D. McCubbins (eds.) Stanford University Press.
"Why Primaries in Latin American Presidential Elections?" (with Rebecca Weitz-Shapiro and Ozge Kemahlioglu) (2009) The Journal of Politics. 71(1)339-352.
"Distributive Politics with Primaries" (with James M. Snyder Jr. and Michael M. Ting) (2009) The Journal of Politics. 71(4)1467-1480.
"More Democracy: The Effect of the Direct Primary on Competition in U.S. Elections." (with James M. Snyder, Stephen Ansolabehere and J. Mark Hansen) (2010) Studies in American Political Development. 24(2)190-205.
"Primaries and Polarization in the U.S. Congress" (with James M. Snyder, Stephen Ansolabehere and J. Mark Hansen) (2010) Quarterly Journal of Political Science. 5(2)169-191.
"What Happens to Incumbents in Scandals?" (with James M. Snyder, Jr.) (forthcoming) Quarterly Journal of Political Science.
"The Direct Primary and Candidate-Centered Voting in U.S. Elections" (with James M. Snyder Jr.) Under Review.
"Voter Learning in State Primary Elections" (with Gabriel Lenz, Maksim Pinkovskiy and James M. Snyder Jr.) Under Review.
elections and bureaucracy in U.S. states and cities
"Patronage and Elections in U.S. States" (with Olle Folke and James M. Snyder Jr.) (2011) American Political Science Review. 105(3)567-85.
"Elections and Reform: The Adoption of Civil Service Systems in the U.S. States." (with Michael M. Ting, James M. Snyder Jr., and Olle Folke) (forthcoming) Journal of Theoretical Politics.
"Political Turnover and Government Performance: Evidence from U.S. Cities" work-in-progress
elections and central to local government transfers in Japan
"Electoral Systems, Hometowns, and Favored Minorities: Evidence from Japanese Electoral Reforms" (2006) World Politics, 59(1)51-82.
"Do Individual Representatives Influence Government Transfers? Evidence from Japan" (2011) The Journal of Politics. 73(4).
"Direct and Indirect Representation" (with Michael M. Ting) (forthcoming) British Journal of Political Science.
incumbency advantage in U.S. states
"Party and Incumbency Cues in Voting: Are They Substitutes?" (with Stephen Ansolabehere, James M. Snyder, and Michiko Ueda) (2006) Quarterly Journal of Political Science, 1(2)119-137.
"Using Multi-Member-District Elections to Estimate the Sources of the Incumbency Advantage" (with James M. Snyder, Jr.) (2009) American Journal of Political Science. 53(2)292-306.
third parties in U.S. politics
"The Decline of Third-Party Voting in the United States" (with James M. Snyder) (2007) The Journal of Politics, 69(1)1-16.
"Third Parties, Elections and Roll Call Votes in the Late Nineteenth-Century U.S. Congress" (2008) Legislative Studies Quarterly, 33(1)131-160.
"Policy Positions in Mixed Member Electoral Systems: Evidence from Japan" (with Kosuke Imai, Yuki Shiraito, and Masaki Taniguchi)
"The Value of Majority Status in the 1930s U.S. House" (with David R. Mayhew and James M. Snyder, Jr.)
"Partisan Imbalance in Regression Discontinuity Studies Based on Electoral Thresholds" (with James M. Snyder Jr. and Olle Folke) Under Review