
Ataturk's Address to the Turkish Youth

You, the Turkish youth! Your primary duty is to forever protect and 
defend the Turkish independence and Turkish Republic. This is the 
mainstay of your existence and of your future. 

This foundation is your most precious treasure in the future, as well, 
there will be malevolents, within and abroad, who will seek to deny your 
birthright. If one day you are compelled to defend your independence and 
the republic, you shall not reflect on the conditions and possibilities 
of the situation in which you find yourself, in order to accomplish your 
mission. These conditions and possibilities may appear unfavorable. The 
adversaries who scheme against your independence and your Republic may 
be the representatives of a victory without precedent in the world. By 
force or by ruse, all citadels and all arsenals of our dear fatherland 
may have been taken; all of its armies may have been dispersed and all 
corners of the country may have been physically occupied. More 
distressing and more grievous than all these, those who hold and exercise 
the power within the country may have fallen into gross error, blunder, 
and even treason. These holders of power may have even united their 
personal interests with political ambitions of the invaders. The nation 
itself may have fallen into privation, and may have become exhausted and 

You, the future sons and daughters of Turkey! Even under such 
circumstances and conditions, your duty is to redeem Turkish independence 
and the Republic! The strength you shall need exists in the noble blood 
flowing through your veins.

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    Ataturk's Address to the Turkish Youth

    You, the Turkish youth! Your primary duty is to forever protect and 
    defend the Turkish independence and T